Latest version.
  • It is unlawful for any person to do any of the following acts upon any public street, highway, alley, public place or any other publicly owned property regardless of the purpose for which the property was dedicated, acquired or purchased, without consent of the Council:
    (A) Take possession of any said property in any manner;
    (B) Occupy and remain upon the property;
    (C) Continue to live upon any of the aforementioned property after having been notified by any police officer or employee of the city to vacate the premises;
    (D) Build any structure of any kind upon any of the property;
    (E) Fence in or cultivate any of the property. This division shall not be interpreted to prohibit any person who owns or is lawfully maintaining any land fronting on a street from maintaining a lawn, garden, trees or other foliage on the part of the street right-of-way that is not paved. The land is customarily maintained by the owner of, or person maintaining, the lot fronting on the land;
    (F) Dump boxes, trash, litter, paper, refuse matter, tin cans or garbage on any of the property; and
    (G) Drive any vehicle of any kind upon or cross any of the property, except where the streets, highways, alleys, roadways or driveways have been properly laid out and open to the public.
    (Prior Code, § 10-5-2) Penalty, see Vol. I, § 1-1-11