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  • (A) The “street classification plan” is hereby adopted and amended in a manner and form affixed hereto and made a part of this article by reference. A copy of the most recent version of, the plan shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk.
    (B) It shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit for new construction within the city that the required street improvements be made as set forth in the A.J.C.C., Vol. II, Article 10-3, Street Design and Construction. This provision, however, shall not be applicable to the construction or installation of individual, single family construction on individual lots which are in existence at the time of passage of this division and subsection (C) below, or which are subsequently created without the necessity of an applicant to comply with city and state subdivision requirements.
    (C) (1) The public works director may postpone the installation of required off-site improvements provided the applicant enters into an agreement to install improvements by a specific date and/or in conjunction with projects being constructed by the city, state, county or other developers in the vicinity.
    (2) In granting the postponement, the public works director may require other interim improvements as deemed necessary for public safety, drainage, or maintenance.
    (3) Factors which the public works director shall consider in determining whether or not improvements shall be postponed include:
    (a) Inability to establish grade or center at the time of application;
    (b) The subject improvement would be less than ½ block or 150 feet in length; and
    (c) Other pending improvements as a street improvement district or major utility work which would make the subject improvement impractical at the time of application for building permit.
    (4) Should the Public Works Director deny a request for postponement of off-site improvements, the applicant may appeal the denial as follows:
    (a) Applicant shall file an appeal to the city manager.
    (b) City Manager’s office shall schedule an appellate hearing within 15 days.
    (c) City Manager’s office shall provide, a written, final decision within five days after the , appellate hearing.
    (d) Applicant may appeal the final decision within 10 days to a civil hearing officer.
    (e) The civil hearing officer’s decision shall be final and binding subject to a further appeal with the superior court under Title 12 (A.R.S. § 12-901 et seq.).
    (D) All street improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the current edition of the Maricopa Association of Governments standard details and specifications, which standard details and specifications shall be the standards of design and construction for the city, provided however, that the public works director may revise, delete or add standard details and specifications by supplement and addendum as may be required and acceptable under the metro Phoenix development industry.
    (Ord. 1424, passed 6-19-2016)