§ 3-13-3. POWERS AND DUTIES.  

Latest version.
  • The Director of Parks and Recreation shall:
    (A) Administer and operate existing recreation and park areas, facilities and programs and plan for the acquisition, development and operation of proposed facilities and programs in accordance with policies set by the Director, by lawful directives, by the Council and, when possible, with the recommendations formulated by the Parks and Recreation Commission;
    (B) Prepare an annual budget for presentation to the Council;
    (C) Inform the general public of the services and facilities being provided by the Department of Parks and Recreation; address professional civic and lay groups on recreational subjects; solicit suggestions from the general public on increasing the effectiveness of the recreation programs; cooperate with governmental and voluntary organizations and agencies in the solving of recreation problems; provide, upon request, assistance of a technical nature to community agencies and organizations on problems related to recreation and park facilities and programs;
    (D) Assist community organizations in the promotion of recreation services; conduct studies of local conditions and needs for recreation services; assist with the recruitment and training of professional recreation personnel and volunteer leaders;
    (E) Upon request, advise the Council, the Parks and Recreation Commission and community organizations concerning the expenditure of public funds for recreation and parks; acquisition, design and development of recreation facilities and areas; and shall maintain effective and cooperative relations with all city officials, state and federal agencies and with local, state and national voluntary recreation organizations;
    (F) With the approval of the Mayor and Council, post such rules and regulations as deemed necessary for the conduct of persons in the parks and other recreational facilities under his or her jurisdiction; and
    (G) Supervise, process and approve all requests for placement of banners at designated public property locations currently and as established in the future, in accordance with Vol. I, § 3-13-5.
    (Prior Code, § 3-13-3)