Latest version.
- It shall be the duty of the Department of Finance to:(A) Plan, direct and control the operations of the finance office, including department personnel, reporting, coordination of activities and organizational and performance reviews of central accounting systems, including pre-audit, internal audit, posting of expenditure, accounting controls, fiscal and capital budget, payroll, data processing, purchasing, investment program, insurance program, bond program and other related activities;(B) Direct receipt, deposit and investment of all city monies, together with records thereof;(C) Keep accounts showing all money received and the source and disposition thereof and other such accounts as may be required by statute or ordinance. To keep the City Manager/Council fully advised as to the financial condition of the city with the preparation of revenue, expenditure, debt, cost and other statements in such form and in such manner as requested by the Council;(D) Direct the recording of all physical properties of the city and the department or office to which the respective properties are assigned; and(E) Direct the maintenance of all special assessment records and administer the collection of special assessments, including enforcement, collecting and auditing.(Prior Code, § 3-3-2)