(1) Construction or work for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the Building and Safety Manager and such construction or work shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved. Approval as a result of an inspection shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of this chapter, the Technical Codes, or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction. Inspections presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this chapter or the Technical Codes or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid. It shall be the duty of the permit applicant to cause the work to remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes. Neither the Building and Safety Manager nor the jurisdiction shall be liable for expense entailed in the removal or replacement of any material required to allow inspection.
(2) The Building and Safety Manager is authorized to create a “concealed construction verification” policy for addressing concealed construction due to work done without permits or work pursued without having or passing required inspections.
(a) Site address. It shall be the duty of the permit holder to post the approved property address, including number and street name, at all construction sites. Such temporary premises identification shall be clearly visible from the street or roadway fronting the property, shall be installed prior to the first inspection, and shall be maintained until the permanent premises identification is installed and approved.
(b) Inspections requests. It shall be the duty of the holder of the building permit or their duly authorized agent to notify the Building and Safety Manager when work is ready for inspection. It shall be the duty of the permit holder to provide access to, and means for inspections of such work, as required by this chapter.
(c) Survey. Where inspection reveals that a structure may not be located according to approved plans, or which in drainage is not reasonably provided for, the Building and Safety Manager shall require a survey (at the expense of the applicant) of the lot and structure to verify that the structure is located in accordance with approved plans.
(B) Required inspections. The required inspections for a permitted project will be determined at plan review based on the proposed work. The permit holder or the inspector may ask for or require additional inspections based on project conditions and needs. The Building and Safety Manager, upon notification, shall make the inspections set forth in this section.
(1) Footing inspection. Footing inspections shall be made after excavations for footings are complete and any required reinforcing steel and forms are in place. Inspection shall be made prior to the placement of concrete. Materials for the footer shall be on the site, except where concrete is ready mixed in accordance with ASTM C94/C94M-15a: Specification for Ready-mixed Concrete, the concrete need not be on the site.
(2) Underground MEP Inspection. Where mechanical, electrical or plumbing (MEP), ducts, conduit, pipes, and the like, are to be placed below a slab, or underground, an underground MEP inspection shall be made after trenches or ditches are excavated and bedded, ducts, conduit and piping are installed and before any backfill is placed. Plumbing drain lines shall be on a water test with a minimum of 10-foot head of water. Plastic piping shall not be tested with air.
(3) Lowest floor elevation inspection. For concrete slabs being poured in flood hazard areas the second elevation certificate showing that the top of the forms and the proposed top of the floor elevation complies with that proposed in the first elevation certificate shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Floodplain Manager/City Engineer before the concrete slab inspection is requested. For framed floor systems the second elevation certificate shall be submitted to, and approved by the Floodplain Manager/City Engineer prior to further vertical construction.
(4) Utility connection inspection. An inspection is required of the connection of the building plumbing to the water service and sewer service prior to backfilling the trenches.
(5) Concrete slab and post-tension slab inspection. For concrete foundations, such as monolithic slabs and post tension slabs, the required forms, reinforcing steel or post-tension cables, and the required anchors and holddowns shall be in place at the inspection. Backfill of MEP shall be complete, any required box outs in place, and any thickened footings shall be per permitted plans. Inspection shall be made prior to the placement of concrete. For post-tension slabs, the inspection report from the post-tension special inspection shall be provided to the Building and Safety Manager before concrete is poured. Materials for the foundation shall be on the site, except where concrete is ready mixed in accordance with ASTM C94/C94M-15a: Specification for Ready-mixed Concrete, the concrete need not be on the site.
(6) Braced/shear wall and load transfer inspection. For residential 1-and 2-family and commercial wood framed structures, a braced wall inspection shall occur prior to the installation of the air barrier, house wrap or weather barrier. The inspection will also look at the required load transfer connections between the floor (if framed), wall and roof diaphragms. For flat roof systems the roof deck nailing will be inspected and OSHA compliant access shall be provided by the permit holder. Where interior gypsum board is utilized as part of the braced wall system, a gypsum board inspection, as noted below, shall be required.
(7) Pre-stucco inspection. An inspection of the installed weather-resistant barrier, continuous insulation, lathe or wire support and weep screed installation is required prior to installing stucco, 1-coat or exterior insulation and finish systems (“EIFS”) finishes.
(8) Masonry wall grout inspections. Masonry wall grout inspections shall occur as denoted in the permitted plans regarding grout pour maximum height.
(9) Rough-inspection residential. The residential rough inspection shall not occur until the structure framing is complete and weather-tight - weather-resistant barrier and windows at walls and felt on sloped roofs and weather barrier on flat roofs. The rough inspection shall cover rough framing, building envelope energy requirements, rough plumbing, rough mechanical and fuel gas, and rough electrical. Rough inspection of these areas/systems shall be made prior to covering or concealment and before fixtures or appliances have been set or installed, and after the roof is loaded with roof covering material. Tubs, tub/shower units, shower units, site built shower receptors and gas log fireplaces shall be installed at time of the rough inspection.
(10) Rough-inspection commercial. Commercial rough inspections of framing, energy elements, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and gas systems shall be made as needed prior to the concealment of any elements or systems. For large projects standing inspection times or inspection frequency may be arranged between the superintendent or trade foreman, and the building inspector.
(11) Insulation inspection. The insulation inspection shall verify compliance with the permitted plans regarding the types of insulation and R-values installed and use of proper installation methods. Blown-in attic insulation will be checked at final inspection.
(12) Gypsum board inspection. Gypsum board inspection is required where the gypsum or lathe is indicated on permitted plans as part of the braced-wall system or shear wall design, or when gypsum and lathe are a part of a fire-resistance-rated assembly and shall be made after lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place, but before any plastering is applied or gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished.
(13) Fire-resistant assemblies and penetrations. Protection of joints and penetrations in fire-resistance-rated assemblies shall not be concealed from view until inspected and approved.
(14) Other inspections. In addition to the inspections specified above, the Building and Safety Manager is authorized to make or require other inspections of any construction work to ascertain compliance with the provisions of this chapter or the Technical Codes and other laws enforced by the Building Safety Division.
(a) Roofing inspections. Roofing inspections are required on existing residential as follows:
1. Where more than 96 square feet of roof decking is to be replaced or covered a decking inspection is required prior to installation of the underlayment.
2. Where the roof slope is less than 4:12 an inspection of the required 2 layers of underlayment is required.
3. A final inspection of the installation is required during roof covering installation to verify compliance with manufacturer’s installation requirements and code compliance.
(b) Demolition inspection. After demolition is complete and the site restored to a clean condition a final inspection is required.
(15) Special inspections. Special inspections and structural observations shall be as required in Chapter 17 of the Building Code (Vol. I, Article 7-2). (a) Residential final inspection. The residential final inspection shall be made after all work included on the permitted plans and required by the building permit is completed. This includes all exterior finishes, protection of all non-treated or non-durable wood species, the final grading around the structures a dust proof driveway, required house numbers and all exterior light fixtures. Electrical power and water must be on for the final inspection.
(b) Commercial final inspection. A commercial final inspection is required prior to the issuance of a certificate of completion, a certificate of occupancy or a temporary certificate of occupancy. A commercial final inspection does not grant occupancy. For occupancy of new construction or new tenant spaces, see Vol. I, § 7-1-8(B). A commercial final inspection requires that all exterior work be complete, including all exterior finishes, protection of all non-treated or non-durable wood species, roof drainage, exterior lighting, all utilities are on and cleared by the utility, all required accessibility features are installed and accessibility requirements are met. (C) Building service equipment and trade inspections, and utility clearances. If, upon final electrical service or final gas piping inspection, the installation is found to comply with the provisions of this chapter and the Technical Codes, a “utility clearance” shall be issued by the Building and Safety Manager to the respective energy utility. It shall be unlawful for any serving energy utility, or person furnishing fuel, to energize or supply fuel until such “utility clearance” has been issued.
(1) Building service equipment inspections. The Building and Safety Manager shall inspect building service equipment for which a permit is required by this chapter or the Technical Codes. Building service equipment intended to be concealed by a permanent portion of the building shall not be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of building service equipment is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Building service equipment regulated by the Technical Codes shall not be connected to the water, fuel, or power supply, or sewer system until authorized by the Building and Safety Manager. The requirements of this chapter shall not be considered as prohibiting the operation of building service equipment installed to replace existing building service equipment serving an occupied portion of the building provided an inspection of such building service equipment has been completed and approved.
(2) Electrical trade inspections. Inspections of electrical work to replace, change, relocate, upgrade or increase electrical services shall be made by the Building and Safety Manager. No inspections of energized electrical services will be made without the express permission of the Building and Safety Manager.
(3) Mechanical and fuel gas trade inspections. The Building and Safety Manager shall require the inspection of residential and commercial HVAC new installations, replacements, or unit upgrades to verify proper installation and mounting, energy code compliance and duct detector compliance. New installation, replacement or expansion of fuel gas shall be inspected, under air test, and approved prior to the city issuing a “clearance” to the service provider to reconnect or restart service.
(4) Plumbing trade inspections. The Building and Safety Manager shall require inspections for septic abandonment, new sewer connection, water re-pipes, water heater installation where the energy source has changed, used cooking oil/grease collection systems, CO2 tanks and piping, interceptor installation-grease, lint, oil or other, bathroom remodels requiring permits, and roof-mounted solar water heating systems.
(D) Inspection agencies. The Building and Safety Manager is authorized to accept reports of approved inspection agencies, provided such agencies satisfy the requirements as to qualifications and reliability.
(E) Approval required. Work shall not be done beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the Building and Safety Manager. The Building and Safety Manager, upon notification, shall make the requested inspections and shall either indicate the portion of the construction is satisfactory as completed, or notify the permit holder or authorized representative wherein the same fails to comply with this chapter or the Technical Codes. Portions not complying shall be corrected and shall not be covered or concealed until authorized by the Building and Safety Manager. Projects with failed inspections may be subjected to additional fees in accordance with Vol. I, Article 4-4: Development Services Fees. There shall be final inspection and approval of all construction when the work is completed and prior to any occupancy or use. (F) Tests. Whenever insufficient evidence of compliance with the provisions of this chapter or the Technical Codes, or evidence that materials or construction do not conform to the requirements of the Technical Codes, the Building and Safety Manager may require tests as evidence of compliance to be made at no expense to the city. Test methods shall be as specified by the Technical Codes or by other recognized test standards. In the absence of recognized and accepted test methods, the Building and Safety Manager shall determine test procedures. Said tests shall be made by an approved agency. Reports of test results shall be submitted to the Building and Safety Manager for approval and shall be retained by the Building Safety Division as required in the approved records retention schedule.
(G) Connection to utilities. Persons shall not make connections from a source of energy, fuel, or power to building service equipment, regulated by the Technical Codes and for which a permit is required by this chapter, until approved by the Building and Safety Manager. The Building and Safety Manager may authorize the temporary connection of the building service equipment to the source of energy, fuel, or power for testing building service equipment or for use under a temporary certificate of occupancy. The Building and Safety Manager may also authorize the connection of the building electrical service equipment to supply construction power. Such authorizations shall be conditioned upon the owner or permit holder prohibiting the use of gas-fired generators on the site once the permanent power is operational, except as approved by the Building and Safety Manager. The use and safe maintenance of the building electrical service equipment during construction shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal regulations. The Building and Safety Manager may order the disconnection of any service not used or maintained safely, or operated in violation of this chapter.
(H) Inspection by video or photography. The Building and Safety Manager is authorized to develop policies and programs for utilizing technology to offer options for code compliance verification. The policy and program will set the requirements for training and participation in the program and penalties for violating terms of the program.
(Ord. 1478, passed 6-19-2019)