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- For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.SWAP MEET. A place of commercial activity, popularly known as a swap meet, flea market or park-and-swap, open to the general public for the purchase of merchandise on the premises, which place is available to the general public who wish to sell or barter merchandise on the premises, whether such sellers or vendors are in the business of vending or are making casual sales or some combination thereof and which place is normally composed of stalls, stands or spaces allotted to vendors at least 1 of whom does not occupy the same allotted space or spaces on an uninterrupted continuous daily basis.SWAP MEET PROPRIETOR. Any person who rents, sells, donates or otherwise makes available to swap meet vendors any space within premises owned or controlled by the proprietor for the purpose of a swap meet sale.SWAP MEET VENDOR. Any person located upon the premises of a swap meet for the purpose of conducting business activity at a swap meet.VENDOR REGISTRATION LOG. A well-bound volume kept by the proprietor to identify vendors.(Am. Ord. 1296, passed 5-1-2007)