All plans for construction within city right-of-way or easements shall have the following notes shown on either the cover, note or detail sheet.
(A) “All work and materials within the public right-of-way shall conform to the latest editions of the Maricopa Association of Governments (“MAG”) Uniform Standard Specifications, Uniform Standard Details for Public Works Construction, supplements as amended by the city or MAG, and by the Apache Junction Engineering Standards and Standard Details. A 1-year warranty period shall commence only after final acceptance by the city engineer or his or her designee.”
(B) “All work and materials which do not conform to the approved plans and specifications are subject to removal and replacement at the contractor’s expense.”
(C) “All contractors and subcontractors shall obtain a city business license and necessary encroachment permits prior to beginning construction in the public right-of-way.”
(D) “Contractor must notify the city engineer, school districts and emergency services providers 48 hours before restricting traffic on any city street.”
(E) “The city engineer shall be notified 2 work days prior to commencing work within public rights-of-way. The contractor shall comply with the provisions for traffic controls and barricading as specified in the city’s Traffic Barricade Manual and the latest version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Developer/contractor shall be solely responsible for erecting, placing and maintaining all temporary and permanent signing and striping.”
(F) “All improvements within public right-of-way shall be inspected by the city engineer or his or her designee who will be notified a minimum of 24 hours before any inspection is needed.”
(G) “The city engineer may direct the placement or disposal of soil materials taken from the public right-of-way during pregrading.”
(H) “It shall be the contractor’s responsibility to call for Blue Stake, locate and protect all utilities and their appurtenances.”
(I) “At least 2 but not more than 5 working days prior to excavating in the vicinity of any utility, the contractor shall contact the utility’s locating service for field assistance.”
(J) “Dust generated by construction activities shall be controlled by watering per Pinal County Air Quality Control District. Contractor shall obtain necessary permits from the Pinal County Air Quality Control District and shall provide a copy to the city engineer prior to watering.”
(K) “All temporary utilities shall be obtained and handled by the contractor at his or her own expense. The contractor shall arrange to procure and transport water to the construction site. All temporary facilities and debris shall be removed prior to final acceptance by the city.”
(L) “Existing utilities shall be relocated as required by the city. Overhead utility lines that must be relocated shall be placed underground at their own cost.”
(M) “The developer shall arrange for the required utility relocations and bear the costs of the relocations. The developer shall provide affected utility companies and districts with advance notice of the proposed construction giving sufficient time for utility review.”
(N) “City is not liable for delays or any damages to utilities related to this construction nor will the city participate in the cost of utility construction or relocation.”
(O) “Frames, covers, valve boxes and manholes within public rights-of-way pavement shall be lowered to not higher than subgrade, plated and the ABC and AC constructed. After the AC is placed, the AC shall be sawcut and the lowered frames, covers and manholes shall be adjusted to grade and concrete collared per MAG Standard Details 420-1, 420-2, 426, 520, 521 and 522 for manholes and MAG Standard Detail 391-1 for valves.”
(P) “Only water company employees are authorized to operate the water valves and fire hydrants on their water system.”
(Q) “Traffic signal activity that includes relocation, re-construction or any improvements that involve turning off the signal or other related activity must be coordinated with the city engineer in advance.”
(R) “The development services project engineer shall approve final plans after all other reviewing agencies have signed the originals. A developer shall submit the Mylar cover sheet for approval signature.”
(S) “Deviations from the approved plans must be approved by the development services project engineer prior to construction. Any such changes shall be documented on all as-built plans.”
(T) “City’s plan approval is for 1 year only. If construction work is not started within 1 year and actively pursued to completion, the plans shall be brought up to current standards and resubmitted for city approval. The city’s review of all NPDES submittals including NOI, NOT and SWPPP is intended as review only and does not constitute approval of the methods or plans for cleaning the stormwater and protecting the waters of the United States. The contractor is solely responsible for insuring that all requirements of the Clean Water Act are strictly enforced.”
(U) “The acceptance of the completed rights-of-way improvements within a new subdivision will not be given until all deficiencies are corrected, test reports meeting MAG Specifications for compaction and materials are submitted, the warranty bond is posted, and other data including as-built drawings are provided to the city engineer.”