1. | The civil plans must be submitted on 24-inch x 36-inch sheets. |
2. | The scale must be shown on the plans. An engineering scale must be used. |
3. | North arrow must be shown on each sheet. |
4. | A vicinity or site map is needed on the cover sheet. |
5. | The name of the proposed development must be shown on the cover sheet. |
6. | The city’s standard general notes must be shown on the cover sheet. |
7. | The developer’s name, address and phone number must be shown on the cover sheet. |
8. | The engineer’s name, address and phone number must be shown on the cover sheet. |
9. | Each sheet of the civil package must be signed and sealed by the civil engineer preparing the plans. |
10. | All elevations must be referenced to an approved city benchmark. The city’s benchmark number, description and elevation must be shown. |
11. | The quantity tabulation must be shown on the cover sheet, including grading cut and fill quantities. On-site improvements shall be separated from the off-site improvements. |
12. | A list of all affected utility companies shall be identified (including but not limited to Apache Junction Water Utilities Community District, Arizona Water Company, CenturyLink, Southwest Gas, SRP, MediaCom) and the dates plans were submitted to them. |
13. | Approval signature lines and dates for the following shall be clearly delineated: |
a. development services department Engineer, City of Apache Junction |
b. public works department Engineer, City of Apache Junction |
c. Superstition Fire and Medical District |
d. Superstition Mountains Community Facilities District No. 1 |
e. Apache Junction Water Utilities Community District |
f. Arizona Water Company |
g. Pinal County Health Department or date and copy of the approval letter with a note of the date on the plan |
h. ADEQ or date and copy of the approval to construct water and sewer with a note the date on the plan |
14. | Perimeter traverse data shall be delineated for the project boundaries. |
15. | The minimum height of all text and lettering shall be 0.1 inch. |
16. | A legend identifying the symbols used on the plan sheets shall be delineated. |
17. | An index map shall be shown with street names, lot, tract and parcel numbers, sheet numbers and phase limits and numbers if applicable. |
18. | All existing buildings and significant structures or items must be shown, and also drainage structures, washes, ditches, easements and other like items. If any of the items so noted are to be removed, they must be noted as such. |
19. | The grading and drainage plans must encompass the entire development with all lots, tracts and parcels being shown in their entirety. |
20. | The existing topography must be shown by contours. Spot elevations are required when the subdivision’s topography cannot be clearly defined by contours. Spot elevations are required immediately off-site adjacent to the subdivision boundary sufficient to permit analysis of grade differentials and drainage. |
21. | Existing storm drainage facilities such as retention basins, catch basins, scuppers and storm drain pipes must be shown. |
22. | Existing washes, ditches, lakes and other water features must be shown with any modifications being noted. Existing washes entering the property must continue through the property and exit at the current natural locations. All natural runoff entering the site must be delineated. |
23. | All portions of the development within the FEMA flood zones must be identified as well as flood mitigation measures being shown. (FEMA elevation certificate for pre and post developments must be attached.) |
24. | Existing spot elevations must be shown for all existing curb and gutter adjacent to the development. Elevations must be shown adjacent to each property corner, at all grade breaks and at all scuppers/catch basins. |
25. | Cross-sections must be shown across the development’s property lines with the maximum allowable elevation difference between adjacent properties to be 1 foot and with natural off-site overland drainage flows being unobstructed. |
26. | Cross-sections must be shown for all retention basins showing bottom elevation, high water elevation and the basin edge elevation. The maximum allowable side slope is 4:1 and the maximum water depth is 3 feet. |
27. | The following NOTE shall appear on the cover sheet: “The proposed retention basins are to drain within 36 hours. If the basins do not drain within the required 36 hours, the owner will be required to install drywells or other means to be approved by the development services project engineer to meet the requirement.” |
Any proposed drywells must be registered with the ADEQ that meet the following requirements: |
a. All drywells serving 1 acre or more of paved areas are to be the dual chamber type such as the MaxWell Plus or equal. |
b. The Envibro System is to be used for areas where chemical or petroleum spills or hazards may be possible. |
28. | Construction details, plan and profile views must be shown for all proposed drainage facilities such as: |
a. Scuppers and catch basins |
b. Storm drains |
c. Hydraulic profile must be shown |
d. Scupper inlet and chute elevations are required |
e. Trash Rack is required at all open ends of pipe 18 inches or more in diameter. MAG Standard Detail 502-2 shall control. |
f. Scupper inlet and chute elevations are required |
29. | The following information must be shown for each lot: |
a. Proposed elevations at front lot corners, typically top of curb elevations |
b. Proposed elevations at rear lot corners |
c. Proposed finished pad elevations |
d. Proposed finished floor elevations |
e. Top and bottom elevations on retaining walls |
f. All existing block walls on and adjacent to subdivision boundaries and retention basin perimeters must be shown with top of wall elevations |
g. All proposed block walls on subdivision boundaries and retention basin perimeters |
30. | All drainage pipes and equalizer pipes are to be 12 inches minimum in diameter with headwalls. |
31. | A drainage report is required and shall include the following: |
a. An exhibit delineating each drainage area with the corresponding retention basins and drainage structures. Arrows must be provided indicating drainage flows, patterns and overflows |
b. An explanation of off-site flows and overland contributions including FEMA flow zones |
c. Calculations determining the volume of retention for each drainage area |
d. Calculations showing the amount of retention for each drainage area |
e. Calculations determining the depth of ponding within the retention basins |
f. An explanation of the low outfall elevation for each drainage area including the effects of an overflow situation with the elevation being stated in the report |
g. Retention basin drain time calculations. If drywells are necessary to meet the 36-hour drain time requirement, the number of drywells must be determined |
h. Street hydraulic calculations showing that the 10-year storm runoff is retained within the curbs and the 100-year runoff is contained at least 6 inches below the finished floor elevations |
i. Storm drainage inlet and pipe sizing and capacity calculations |
j. An explanation of the minimum finished floor elevation within the development with the elevation being above the low outfall elevation of the site |
k. All calculations, formulas, charts with summarized tabulations |
32. | Structural design calculations are required for the following: |
a. Storm drains subject to wheel loads |
b. Retaining walls |
33. | A building permit is required for all retaining walls. |
34. | The pavement cross-section design shown on the plans must comply with the city engineering standards. |
35. | All existing driveways, street lights and fire hydrants within 200 feet of the property boundaries on both sides of the streets. |
36. | Actual street cross-sections to scale at 50- to 100-foot intervals for all perimeter streets. Include pavement centerline elevation, station, pavement join elevation and top of curb elevation. |
37. | Typical sections for each street to be improved on detail sheet with the following items: |
a. Right-of-way width |
b. Width of sidewalk |
c. Width of improved surface. (24 feet minimum is required for half-street for 2-way traffic) |
d. Type of curb and gutter |
e. Pavement cross-section |
f. Pavement cross-slope |
g. Pavement structural sections |
38. | A portion of the improvements and what jurisdiction governs. The permit number shall be shown on the cover sheet. |
39. | Deceleration lanes (with right/left turn arrows) for the proposed driveways are required based on a traffic impact analysis, and additional right-of-way for the deceleration lanes. |
40. | Street lights every 180-200 feet on all streets within and adjacent to the development with the following details noted: |
a. Luminaire size (lumens). (Local-9,500), (Collector-16,000), (Major/Minor Arterial - 30,000), (Principal Arterial/Parkway - 50,000) |
b. Luminaire mounting height. (Local-32 feet), (Collector-32 feet), (Section Line-35 feet), |
c. Dimension from the street centerline to the proposed pole (1 foot behind sidewalk or 2.5 feet behind curb with no sidewalk) |
d. Dimension from property corners to the proposed street light |
e. Stationing for each proposed and existing light |
f. Dimension to the nearest existing light within 200 feet of the property on both sides of the street |
41. | The following layout items must be shown on each sheet: |
a. North arrows |
b. Plan and profile scale |
c. Phase limits and numbers |
42. | The following utility reference items must be shown on each sheet: |
a. All existing utilities |
b. All proposed utilities |
c. Utility crossings must be shown in profile view when the crossings are not detailed on utility plan sheets |
d. All power pole locations |
43. | A Master Utility Plan including water, sewer, storm drain and street light information. |
44. | The following design items must be shown on each sheet in plan view: |
a. Existing right-of-way with width dimensioned |
b. Existing pavement with width dimensioned |
c. Existing curbs with width dimensioned |
d. Existing sidewalk with width dimensioned |
e. Existing sidewalk ramps |
f. Proposed right-of-way with width dimensioned |
g. Proposed pavement with width dimensioned |
h. Proposed curbs with width dimensioned and MAG Standard Detail number call-out |
i. Proposed sidewalk with width dimensioned and MAG Standard Detail number call-out |
j. Provide a 5-foot temporary sidewalk turndown at the ends of the sidewalk improvements |
k. Proposed sidewalk ramps (MAG Standard Detail 231-A) |
l. Proposed sidewalk ramps at “T” intersections (MAG Standard Detail 233-C) |
m. Existing items to be protected in place |
45. | The following design items must be shown on each sheet in profile view: |
a. Existing grade at right curb line |
b. Existing grade at left curb line |
c. Existing grade at centerline |
d. Proposed grade at right curb line |
e. Proposed grade at left curb line |
f. Proposed grade at centerline |
g. Proposed centerline elevation at curb return station on crown run-outs |
h. The proposed longitudinal grades must be labeled with longitudinal grades on curves to be computed based on their true lengths that comply with the city standards |
i. Storm drain crossings |
j. Utility and other crossings whenever minimal cover, 1 foot or less below subgrade |
46. | The following traffic engineering items must be shown in plan view: |
a. Street signs |
b. Traffic control devices: |
1) Stop sign MUTCD R1-1, 30 inches by 30 inches per Apache Junction Standard Detail AJ-28.1 |
2) Speed limit sign MUTCD 22-1, 24 inches by 30 inches |
3) Dead end sign as required per Apache Junction Standard Detail AJ-28.1 |
c. Temporary turnaround at dead-end streets and phase lines |
d. Barricade with 9 red prismatic reflectors on red sheeting MUTCD M1-9R for each 10 to 12 feet of barricade |
e. Signing and striping plans for section line streets and/or special conditions |
47. | The following survey design items must be shown on each sheet: |
a. Station numbers with sheet reference at all match lines in plan or profile |
b. Centerline survey data |
c. Station numbers at all changes in street alignment, intersections, curb returns and grade breaks in profile |
d. Gutter and centerline spot elevations at all grade breaks |
e. Gutter spot elevations at all intersections |
f. Centerline spot elevations at all intersections |
g. Grade breaks in plan |
48. | Street geometrics must meet city standards or general engineering practices for the following items: |
a. Centerline radii |
b. Tangent lengths between curves |
c. Tangent lengths at intersections |
d. Pavement tapers |
e. Intersection angles |
f. Vertical curve lengths |
g. Maximum longitudinal slope changes |
h. Barrier median construction |
i. Driveway installations |
49. | Sufficient existing off-site elevations needed to determine grade and direction of slope. |
50. | Structural design calculations for storm drains subject to wheel loading. |
51. | An easement or right-of-way dedication shall be by separate instrument. The following exhibits and/or information are needed for staff review: |
a. Type of easement or right-of-way |
b. Legal description signed and sealed by a registered land surveyor, labeled Exhibit “A” to city provided deed form |
c. Detail map based on the description signed and sealed by a registered land surveyor, labeled Exhibit “B” to city provided deed form |
d. A current title report |
e. If there is a lien on the property such as a trust deed, a partial release and partial reconveyance deed shall be included |
52. | Please add the following statement on the cover sheet: |
“The City of Apache Junction approved these plans for conformance with the city codes, standards, and policies. The City of Apache Junction is not responsible for design, assumptions, conclusions or accuracy of the information contained herein or in the supporting documents.” |
53. | An engineering cost estimate for all work within the public right-of-way shall be submitted |
54. | An improvement assurance bond shall be submitted based on the above engineering cost estimate. The improvement assurance must be provided prior to issuance of any permits. |
55. | A drainage and retention agreement on the enclosed original city form shall be provided, along with the legal description (Exhibit “A”) and map (Exhibit “B”) with original RLS seal and signature. |
56. | The following statement on the cover sheet shall be conspicuously legible: “Approval of these plans shall not prevent the city from requiring correction of errors in the plans where such errors are subsequently found to be in violation of any law, ordinance or other health/safety issue.” |
57. | The following note on the cover sheet shall be conspicuously legible: “The improvements shown on this set of plans will not be fully approved by the city and the certificate of occupancy will not be issued until the overhead utility lines are undergrounded and/or the power poles are relocated.” |
58. | The following statements on the improvement plans shall be conspicuously legible if they are applicable: “The contractor shall establish the grade line for the new curb and gutter according to the approved plans. If the cross slope between the existing edge of pavement and the proposed lip of gutter is greater than 3% or less than 1%, the new curb and gutter line shall be modified or an additional asphalt sawcut will be required to bring the cross slope to 2% (+/- 1%).” |
“Provide 3,000 psi concrete cap over a pipe for any area where the minimum cover requirements is not achievable.” |
“MAG Standard Detail 250 is to be utilized as driveway entrance location where vertical curb provided.” |
“Safety rails must be provided at any area behind the sidewalk or sidewalk ramp that is deeper than 18 inches from finish ground.” |
“There shall be an 18-inch sedimentation basin at the bottom of catch basin, and bubbler box.” |
59. | A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and a copy of the Notice of Intent form approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality for the Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System General Permit shall be provided. |
60. | A copy of Drywell registration issued by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality shall be provided. |
61. | A copy of Drywell percolation test result after installation shall be provided. |
62. | Final approved plans per § 10-1-5(C) Electronic Submittal Requirements shall be provided. |