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  • (A) Street name signs.
    (1) All new developments shall provide for street name signs and posts at all intersections. The developer shall install these signs and posts at public street intersections per Apache Junction Standard Detail AJ-28.1.
    (2) Private streets shall be signed by the developer as approved by the city’s development services department.
    (B) Survey monuments.
    (1) All developments shall provide survey monuments at section corners, street centerline intersections, street centerline alignment changes (Point of Curvature [“PC”], Point of Tangency [“PT”], or Point of Intersection [“PI”] if it is within street pavement). For new building construction replacement of monuments for areas outside the right-of-way shall be per Arizona State Board of Technical Registration rules and requirements.
    (2) All section corners, 1/4-corners, and center of section shall be a brass cap in a hand hole per MAG Standard Detail 120-1, Type “A.” All other required survey monuments shall be a brass cap on the surface per MAG Standard Detail 120-1, Type “B.”
    (3) All existing monumentation shall be preserved both horizontally and vertically.
    (C) Barricades and delineators.
    (1) All new developments shall provide for barricades at all dead ends, temporary dead ends and incomplete streets per MAG Standard Detail 130, Type “B.”
    (2) New barricades shall be constructed per MAG Standard Detail 130, Type “B” modified with red and white reflectorized stripes using engineer grade reflective sheeting.
    (3) Barricades installed with phased construction may be relocated within the same development.
    (4) Delineators are required to guide traffic at all necessary locations (such as pavement tapers). Minimum spacing (in feet) between delineators is the same as the speed limit (in miles per hour) for the roadway.
    (D) Conduits, sleeves or carrier pipes. Projects that have parkway landscaping with irrigation lines under public streets shall install conduit sleeves for the irrigation line(s) prior to the paving improvements. All parkway landscaping shall be as directed and approved by the Apache Junction parks and recreation department.
    (E) Signage and striping. All signage shall be per the latest MUTCD and striping shall be per the latest edition of AASHTO’s Geometric Design of Highways and Streets. Signing and striping shall be approved by the city engineer.
    (F) Pavement marking plans.
    (1) General notes:
    (a) “All pavement markings shall conform to the ADOT Standard Drawings and Specifications unless otherwise specified in the latest edition of the MUTCD handbook, or as noted on the plans.”
    (b) “All lane dimensions are from center of lane line, center of double lane line, face of curb, or edge of pavement unless otherwise noted.”
    (c) “The pavement marking drawings are schematic only. The contractor shall follow all dimensions, details, and standards when installing pavement striping, markings and markers.”
    (d) “All signing and pavement markings shall be installed within 5 days of completion of the final lift of asphalt or as required by the Engineer.”
    (e) “The contractor shall clean the roadway surface to the satisfaction of the city engineer by sweeping and air-jet blowing immediately prior to the placement of all pavement markings.”
    (2) Plan requirements:
    (a) North arrow and scale shall be included on each plan sheet, excluding notes and detail sheets.
    (b) ROW, edge of pavement, and curbs are to be clearly delineated, excluding drainage facilities, utilities, topographic lines, but including all driveways and intersecting streets.
    (c) Limits of the project, beginning and ending stations, are to be provided. The limits of pavement surface treatments that are being applied to allow for pavement marking changes should also be defined.
    (d) Centerlines and stationing are to be provided and shown within the roadway limits, not external to the curb or edgelines.
    (e) Taper lengths (bay tapers, storage lengths, approach and departure tapers) relative to the roadway design speed or posted speed limit, per the latest edition of AASHTO’s Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.
    (f) The proposed new striping patterns and type are to be compatible with existing striping on both ends of the project.
    (g) All striped lines are to be labeled correctly.
    (h) Edgeline striping should end at the beginning of the radius, PC; centerline striping ends at mid radius.
    (i) Striping plans should extend 500 feet on either side of the project, and transitions from existing striping patterns to new patterns should be defined.
    (j) The roadway cross section is to be properly dimensioned at locations where the cross section changes. This includes beginning and ending of median and edgeline/curbline tapers, beginning and ending of lane shift tapers of tapers to add a lane, both legs of major intersections and locations where the pavement widens or narrows. The dimensioning shall include widths of all lanes (thru, turn, multi-use, bike), median widths, and paved shoulders. Cross section change locations shall be denoted by station. Striping taper lengths shall be noted.
    (k) Crosswalks and stop lines are to be properly placed relative to sidewalk ramps and median walk throughs. The approach crosswalk line shall be spaced 4 feet from the stop line and the crosswalk lines shall be spaced 10 feet apart.
    (l) Pavement arrows and “ONLY” designations for mandatory turn lanes are typically applied only at signalized intersections. Arrows and ONLYs can be applied at unsignalized intersection at the discretion of the city engineer. The location of the approach edge of all legends should be either dimensioned, typically from the stop line, or stationed.
    (m) All roadway names should be identified, include side streets.
    (n) An appropriate title block designating submittal status, date, designer, and engineer shall be provided on each plan sheet.
    (o) A separate sheet containing general notes, symbol legend, pavement marking quantities, and details shall be provided.
    (G) Traffic signing plans.
    (1) General notes:
    (a) “All signs shall conform to the latest edition of the MUTCD.”
    (b) “Signs may be modified and locations adjust to fit conditions as directed by the city engineer.”
    (c) “All sign station locations are approximate. The contractor shall verify actual sign locations with city engineer prior to the installation of all signs.”
    (d) “The contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all work with Blue Stake and for installing all traffic signs in the field.”
    (e) “The design speed for the road is . The posted speed limit for the road is . Sign placement shall be based on the posted speed limit.”
    (2) Plan requirements:
    (a) All signing shall conform to the latest edition of the MUTCD.
    (b) North arrow and scale shall be included on each plan sheet, excluding notes and detail sheets.
    (c) Design speed and posted speed limits of the project are to be noted on the Traffic Signing General Notes.
    (d) ROW, edge of pavement, and curbs are to be clearly delineated, excluding drainage facilities, utilities, topographic lines, but including all driveways and intersecting streets.
    (e) The existing roadway and proposed signing for 500 feet beyond the project limits or to the nearest intersection, whichever is less shall be shown.
    (f) The base sheets for the Signing Plans shall be the pavement marking plan sheets. These sheets shall show match lines and include the traffic signal, street lighting and pavement marking in the background. All major and minor streets shall be identified and labeled correctly. The plan symbol legend may be included depending on available space. All signs will be oriented in the direction seen by the motoring public with the correct FHWA sign illustration and identified by the MUTCD letter/number or appropriate designation and station.
    (g) All new and existing signs within the right-of-way shall be identified. The existing signs shall be labeled “EXISTING SIGN” and shall indicate whether it is to remain, be relocated or be removed. If the sign is shown on the sheet, they shall be grayed out or shown with dashed lines.
    (h) Signs shall be placed per Town of Gilbert Standard Detail 201 and 201A. The “No Parking” symbol shall be no smaller than 18"x18" and the “No Parking” Symbols shall be installed below all speed limit signs.
    (i) Signing quantities and installation location are subject to change at the time of installation.
    (j) Any sign that is to be installed within 25 feet of an existing street light pole shall be installed on that pole and not on a separate support. Signs that need to be removed during construction shall be done so by the Contractor at their expense.
    (k) The Contractor shall allow the concrete in the postholes to cure for at least 24-hours prior to standing the poles.
    (l) All signing shall be installed within 5 days after the installation of the first lift of asphalt.
    (Ord. passed - - )