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  • (A) These standards set forth a uniform engineering approach for determining water demand and minimum criteria for design of water distribution mains. The standards are structured to accommodate designers who are preparing construction plans for private development. It is not intended to provide standards that are all encompassing, to be substituted for innovative design. The user of sound engineering principles is encouraged to develop public water system designs that are not only economical to construct but are economical to operate and maintain.
    (B) The City of Apache Junction has 2 water entities supplying the city with water: Arizona Water Company (“AWC”)and Apache Junction Water Community Facilities District (“WUFCD”) or also referred to as Apache Junction Water District (“AJWD”). Figure 10-5.1 following the text of this Article shows the limits of service for each of the water companies. Where they abut, a determination will be made of who will provide the service.
    (C) New public water distribution facilities shall be designed in accordance with AWC standards within their service area or in the case of the WUFCD, standards set forth in this chapter, associated detail drawings, and where these standards are silent, Maricopa Association of Governments (“MAG”) Standard Specifications and Standard Details, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (“ADEQ”) Bulletin No. 10, and American Water Works Association (“AWWA”) Standards.
    (Ord. passed - - )