(A) Paving as-built plans.
(1) Station for all grade breaks;
(2) Back of curb offset dimension and centerline station at all changes in alignment;
(3) Top of curb, gutter and pavement centerline elevations at all grade breaks, curb returns, valley gutters, plus any other location necessary to adequately show drainage; and
(4) Survey monuments - installation and accuracy certification.
(B) Storm drain as-built plans.
(1) Street centerline station and offset dimension to all structures and changes in alignment and/or changes in grade; and
(2) Top and invert elevations for all structures.
(C) Grading and drainage as-built plans.
(1) Elevations at all drainage control points (e.g., retention overflow point, tops and bottoms retention basins, drywall rims, valley gutters, curbs);
(2) Dimensions of all retention areas;
(3) Retention calculations revised to as-built condition;
(4) First floor or pad elevations; and
(5) Location of all existing structures (e.g., buildings).
(D) Water as-built plans.
(1) Water Utility Community Facilities District (“WUCFD”).
(a) Street centerline station and offset dimension to:
1. All fire hydrants and fittings (e.g., valves);
2. Main at all changes in alignment (horizontally and/or vertically); and
3. All horizontal control points (e.g., centerline intersects, PC, PT).
(b) Station and elevations given at all vertical alignment changes;
(c) Centerline station and offset to each service tap; size of tap and dimension to nearest side property line; and
(d) Centerline station, offset and elevations to all changes in vertical alignment (e.g., dips, bends and the like) required to avoid conflicts with other utilities shall be noted.
(2) Arizona Water Company (“AWC”). Per AWC requirements.
(E) Sewer as-built plans. Per SMCFD requirements.
(F) Street light and traffic signal as-built plans.
(1) Station location and monument line off-set dimension to center of pole for all street lights;
(2) J-box verification and location;
(3) Location of all traffic signal poles, cabinets, J-boxes and related conduits;
(4) Loop detector verification and location;
(5) Any abandonment of existing conduits and facilities shall be noted;
(6) Verification and location of signage related to traffic signal.