Full cutoff fixtures. Full cutoff fixtures shall be required for non-exempt fixtures in accordance with Vol. II, § 1-10-10, Table 10-1. A full cutoff fixture is designed such that no light is projected at or above a 90-degree plane running through the lowest point on the fixture. (B)
Shielded fixtures. Shielded fixtures shall be required for non-exempt fixtures in accordance with Vol. II, § 1-10-10, Table 10-1. A shielded fixture is designed such that no light source is visible to adjacent properties and streets. (C) Canopy lighting. Lighting under canopies shall be fully recessed or flush with the bottom surface of the canopy. Alternatively, indirect lighting where the light is directed upward and then reflected down from the underside of the canopy shall be allowed subject to the light source not being visible from the ground or street.
(D) Sign lighting. External lighting fixtures for signs shall be placed above the sign and shall be shielded and directed downward so that the illumination source is not be visible from adjacent street or property.
(E) Billboard lighting. Billboards shall have shielded lighting equipped with a permanent automatic shut-off device that turns the lighting off between the hours of 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and 5:00 a.m., daily.
(F) Landscape and building lighting.
(1) Landscaping and building accent lighting shall be shielded and directed to prevent horizontal and vertical glare and light trespass to the street, neighboring property and sky.
(2) The use of exposed neon, argon, light emitting diode/krypton tubing, incandescent lighting or other similar lighting to outline any structure or portion thereof may be allowed if, according to the Zoning Administrator, such lighting constitutes a design component of the overall building architecture, is harmonious with the architectural style of the building, and does not portray an advertising message.
(G) String lighting. Exposed decorative string lighting shall be allowed subject to a maximum bulb rating of 5 watts or less. String lighting shall not be installed higher than the main building or 15 feet above grade, whichever is higher. String lighting of trees are exempt from the height limitations.
(H) Security lighting. Security lighting systems shall use full cutoff fixtures.
(I) Flagpole lighting. Flagpole lighting is restricted to state and federal flags, and shall be shielded or recessed so that the light source is not directly visible from neighboring properties. Flagpole lighting may operate at night, but shall be turned off at dusk if the flag is removed.
(J) Pedestrian lighting. Pedestrian lighting systems shall use full cutoff fixtures.
(K) Outdoor recreational facilities. Private outdoor recreational lighting shall be turned off by 10:00 p.m. daily, unless otherwise approved by the city as a community event. Lighting for private sport courts, fields and arenas shall be installed as full cutoff fixtures, and the lamps from such fixtures shall not be directly visible from adjacent residential properties. Lighting shall not exceed 25 feet in height, measured from the finished grade to the top of the lighting fixture. Public outdoor recreational lighting shall be installed and operated in accordance with city approval.
(L) Light glare and trespass. Non-exempt lighting shall be installed as full cutoff fixtures, and the lamp shall not be directly visible from adjacent residential properties or streets. The use of light shields may be used on full cutoff fixtures to eliminate glare and light trespass. Light spill over from business zoned property onto residentially zoned property shall not exceed 0.5 footcandles above ambient light level at adjacent residentially zoned property lines between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., daily.
(M) Light fixture height. Pole and wall mounted light fixtures installed on non-residentially zoned properties and for private recreational facilities shall not exceed 25 feet in height; light fixtures installed on residentially zoned properties shall not exceed 15 feet in height.
(N) Underground service. Outdoor lighting for business and multi-family residential zoned properties shall be served by underground electrical service if installed after the effective date of this Chapter.
(O) Lighting curfew. Non-security lighting for business zoned properties shall be turned off by 10:00 p.m., daily, or within 1 hour of business closing, whichever is later.
(Ord. 1402, passed 5-6-2014)