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- Table 4-1 below describes and summarizes the city’s zoning districts. If there is any inconsistency between these summaries and the specific regulatory provisions in Tables 5-1, 5-2, 5-3 and 5-4 of this Chapter (see Vol. II, §§ 1-5-1 through 1-5-4), the specific regulatory provisions shall prevail.TABLE 4-1: LIST OF ZONING DISTRICTSZONING DISTRICTSZONING DISTRICT DESCRIPTIONRS-GRGeneral Rural Low Density Single-Family Detached Residential. Minimum lot size of 1.25 acres. Allows both conventional and manufactured housing.RS-54Low Density Single-Family Detached Residential. Minimum lot size of 1.25 acres. Allows only conventional housing.RS-54MLow Density Single-Family Detached Residential. Minimum lot size of 1.25 acres. Allows both conventional and manufactured housing.RS-20Medium Density Single-Family Detached Residential. Minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. Allows only conventional housing.RS-20MMedium Density Single-Family Detached Residential. Minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. Allows both conventional and manufactured housing.RS-10Medium Density Single-Family Detached Residential. Minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Allows only conventional housing.RS-10MMedium Density Single-Family Detached Residential. Minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. Allows both conventional and manufactured housing.RS-7Medium/High Density Single-Family Detached Residential. Minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet. Allows only conventional housing.RS-7MMedium/High Density Single-Family Detached Residential. Minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet. Allows both conventional and manufactured housing.RS-5Medium/High Density Single-Family Detached Residential. Minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet. Allows only conventional housing.RM-1High Density Multiple-Family Residential. Maximum density of 13 units/acre (i.e., 3,350 square feet per unit) and minimum development parcel size of 7,000 square feet.RM-2High Density Multiple-Family Residential. Maximum density of 22 units/acre (i.e., 1,980 square feet per unit) and minimum development parcel size of 7,000 square feet.RM-3Very High Density Multiple-Family Residential. Maximum density of 40 units/acre (i.e., 1,089 square feet per unit) and minimum development parcel size of 7,000 square feet.MHPManufactured Home Park. Maximum density of 14 units/acre and minimum development parcel size of 10 acres.RVPRecreational Vehicle Park. Maximum density of 20 units/acre max and minimum development parcel size of 10 acres.B-1General Commercial. Generally intended for commercial uses that serve a local and regional market.B-2Old West Commercial. Generally intended for commercial uses located within the Downtown Transition Area.B-3City Center. Generally intended for commercial, recreational and/or multi-family residential land uses located within the Core Downtown Area.B-4Business Park. Generally intended for commercial and/or light industrial land uses.B-5Industrial. Generally intended for light industrial uses permitted by right, and heavy industrial uses permitted as conditional uses.PIPublic and Institutional. Generally intended for public, quasi-public and institutional uses.MPCMaster Planned Community. Generally intended for large-scale, unified and comprehensively planned developments in accordance with Vol. II, § 1-4-2.PDPlanned Development Overlay. Generally intended for site and building design flexibility in accordance with Vol. II, § 1-4-3.(Ord. 1402, passed 5-6-2014)