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  • Home based occupations shall be subordinate and incidental to the primary residential use and shall be subject to the following standards:
    (A) Required license and permit. A business license and administrative use permit ("AUP") shall be issued by the city prior to operation of the home occupation.
    (B) Employee. No more than one non-resident employee shall be working on-site at any given time.
    (C) Outdoor storage or display. There shall be no external storage or display of inventory and/or products associated with the home occupation.
    (D) Customer/client traffic. There shall be no more than 10 customer/client vehicles per day to the residence. Customer and client traffic shall only be between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
    (E) Client and customer parking. Any short-term employee or client/customer parking shall occur in the driveway of the home occupation property or on the street immediately in front of the residence if permitted by the city. There shall be no more than 4 client or customer vehicles parked in the driveway or parked on the adjacent street at any one time.
    (F) Motor vehicles. No vehicle associated with the home occupation that exceeds a gross vehicle weight of 24,000 pounds (e.g. dump truck or semi-cab size) shall be parked on the property. All vehicles parked overnight on the property must be licensed and registered to the property owner. The property shall not be used for parking or staging of business related vehicles not owned by or licensed to the property owner.
    (G) Indoor operation. The home occupation shall be conducted indoors and shall not produce a noise, odor, vibration, glare, or light that is noticeable beyond the property line for single-family zoning districts, beyond the adjoining walls for multi-family zoning districts, or beyond the unit spaces of manufactured home and trailer parks, as determined by the Director or designee.
    (H) Hazardous activities and materials. If, in the opinion of the Building Official, Police Chief and/or Fire Chief, any home occupation is deemed to be or becomes dangerous or unsafe, or presents a safety hazard to the public, or presents a safety hazard to adjacent or nearby properties, residents or businesses, the city may deny or revoke the AUP for the home occupation and take necessary action to terminate the dangerous or unsafe condition.
    (I) Maximum floor area. The home occupation shall not occupy more than 25% of the residence's gross floor area and 200 square feet of an enclosed workshop/garage.
    (J) Deliveries and pickups. Deliveries and pick-ups shall be those normally associated with residential services (e.g., UPS, FedEx or Post Office) and shall only occur between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., daily.
    (K) Owner operator. The person operating the home occupation shall be a resident of the property.
    (L) Signs. One nameplate sign or cornerstone up to 4 square feet in size may be attached to the residential building.
    (M) Enforcement. Failure to comply with these home occupation standards may result in the city revoking the AUP for the home occupation.
    (Ord. 1402, passed 5-6-2014)