(A) (1) Lot width, depth and area shall comply with the minimum requirements of the zoning ordinance and shall be appropriate for the location and character of development proposed and for the type and extent of street and utility improvements being installed.
(2) Depth-to-width ratio of the usable area of lot shall usually be not greater than 3:1.
(3) Where steep topography, unusual soil conditions, drainage problems, abrupt changes in land use or heavy traffic on adjacent streets prevail, the council may make special lot width, depth and area requirements which exceed the minimum requirements of the particular zoning district.
(B) Side lot lines shall be at right angles and radial to curves.
(C) Every lot shall abut a public or private street at a minimum 30' of frontage. A private street shall possess satisfactory access to other existing public streets. Private streets shall be owned and maintained by a private association or corporation and will not be considered for future dedication and city maintenance if not developed to minimum city standards.
(D) Single-family residential lots extending through the block and having frontage on 2 parallel streets shall not be permitted; backing or siding of lots to thoroughfares shall be allowed, providing the average lot depth is increased by 10 feet installation of a ten-foot landscape buffer as required by the landscape code and a 6-foot high from finished lot grade masonry wall or other suitable decorative fencing material is constructed at the right-of-way line. Lots backing or siding upon a thoroughfare or arterial street shall have a recorded non-access private easement one-foot wide along the lot line abutting those streets. Lots fronting on a thoroughfare or arterial street shall require a frontage road.
(E) Lots on curvilinear streets shall have rear lot lines consisting of a series of straight lines with points of deflection occurring only at the junction of side lot lines, unless otherwise approved by the development services project engineer or his or her designee. Curvilinear rear lot lines with a minimum radius of 800 feet may be provided, if approved by the development services project engineer or his or her designee.
(F) No flag lots are allowed.
(Ord. 1452, passed - -2017)
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