Latest version.
  • No person shall operate a motorized skateboard in the following locations:
    (A) On any public sidewalk except when crossing a sidewalk to gain access to any public or private road or driveway;
    (B) On any city property except on public roadways where the posted speed limit is 30 mph or less;
    (C) On any public property that has been posted as an area in which the operation of motorized skateboards is prohibited;
    (D) On any private property without the written permission of the owner or the owner's authorized agent, nor on public property that is not held open to the public for vehicular use; or
    (E) On any city right-of-way, including city streets, roadways and alleyways, except during daylight hours and in no event before 7:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time or after 8:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time.
    (Prior Code, § 10-7-3) Penalty, see Vol. I, § 10-7-7