Latest version.
  • (A) No person under the age of 12 shall operate a motorized skateboard.
    (B) No person shall operate a motorized skateboard at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances or in excess of the posted speed limit.
    (C) In order to cross a sidewalk, bicycle path, bicycle lane or multi-use path, a person operating a motorized skateboard shall yield the right-of-way to all other users.
    (D) No person operating a motorized skateboard shall allow passengers to ride on the motorized skateboard when the motorized skateboard is in operation or in motion.
    (E) No person operating or riding upon a motorized skateboard shall attach themselves or the motorized skateboard in any manner to any other vehicle.
    (F) No person shall operate a motorized skateboard while carrying any package, bundle or article if carrying the object prevents the operator from keeping both hands upon the steering mechanism at all times.
    (G) No person operating a motorized skateboard shall: transport extra fuel in a separate container on the motorized skateboard; or attach a separate container with fuel to the operator's person; or alter the fuel reservoir on the motorized skateboard from the original manufacturer's design.
    (H) No person shall operate a motorized skateboard in a manner causing excessive, unnecessary or offensive noise that disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or that would annoy a reasonable person.
    (I) No person shall operate a motorized skateboard that has been structurally altered from the original manufacturer's design.
    (Prior Code, § 10-7-4) Penalty, see Vol. I, § 10-7-7