Latest version.
  • (A) The purpose of the building permit fees for the construction of buildings and structures in the city is to ensure that the costs for providing enforcement and administration services are borne entirely by the construction activity prompting the need for such services.
    (B) The fee for each building permit and other services provided by the Building Division and other city departments and divisions shall be as set forth in this chapter and the most recently adopted city building permit fee schedule. Such fees shall be periodically reviewed and adjusted by the City Council to generate sufficient total revenue to offset the current estimated city costs for providing permit processing, plan review, field inspection, and other development-related services, including necessary capital expenditures. The effective date for revisions to the schedule of fees and charges shall be July 1, 2019.
    (C) Where the development of land and construction of buildings, structures, systems or other improvements require a building permit from the city, fees for each building permit shall be paid as required and in accordance with the building permit fee schedule established by the city.
    (D) Definitions. For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
    BUILDING PERMIT FEES. All fees related to the administration of the building codes, including but not limited to, the commercial building code, fire code, residential building code, electrical code, plumbing code, mechanical code, fuel gas code, energy code, existing building code, and manufactured home regulations.
    FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATION FEE. A fee applicable to all residential and commercial building permits issued for new construction or additions on parcels located in the A, AE and AH (1%) flood zones.
    GIS FEE. A fee that supports the city’s geographic information system (“GIS”), which provides specific services to the administration, plan review, inspection, on-line permit submittal of the Development Services Department. The fee may be used to support the collection and maintenance of the built environment in the city to increase the information available to all those involved in the land development process.
    TECHNOLOGY FEE. A fee collected for the purchase of hardware, software, services and staff to support the following functions: administration, plan review, inspection, records management, and on-line services of the Development Services Department. The technology fee shall be used to acquire and implement improvements to the land development process technologies as approved by the City Manager.
    (E) Units of measure for fee calculation.
    (1) Per appeal, per request, per incident or per occurrence. The fee noted will be charged for each applicable, individual case, request, and the like.
    (2) Per application or per permit. Applicable where fee is not included in the base fee or flat fee amount, and is applicable per definition.
    (3) Per hour. Unless otherwise noted, the minimum increment of time used to calculate the related fee. Partial hour time will be rounded up to a whole hour (for example, 2 hours will be charged for 1.5 hours).
    (4) Flat. Inclusive of administrative fee, plan review fee and specified number of inspections.
    (5) Per square foot or per sq. ft.
    (a) Residential, new and additions. The area under roof, excluding overhangs not over 2 feet in projection, enclosed areas to exterior face of wall, unenclosed spaces measured to outside face of support.
    (b) Residential, interior remodel. For kitchens, bathrooms, converting to habitable, total interior floor space of room or space, including closets and/or pantries. For addition of wall or removal of wall and installation of beam, and the like, 2 square feet per linear foot of wall or beam.
    (c) Residential swimming pool. The maximum width times the maximum length is used to calculate the square footage for the fee.
    (d) Park model. Patio cover/Arizona room and addition, measured to the outside face of wall of enclosed space.
    (e) Park model and manufactured home. Awning width is measured from park model exterior wall to the support or support to support, overhang, not to exceed 2 feet past face of support; awning length is total length minus maximum of width overhang, uniformly applied.
    (f) Commercial.
    1. Area under roof enclosed. Square footage to be based on the area under roof, measured to the exterior face of walls, excluding overhangs not over 3 feet in projection. Shade structures (other than fabric or membrane) fully supported by the building and open trellis shade structures can be excluded from roof area if utilized in the energy calculations for the building. Fabric or membrane awnings fully supported by the structure, and not exceeding 100 square feet, may be excluded from the area under roof. Building area includes bay windows, basements, mezzanines, penthouses and other mechanical spaces. Building area does not include courts open at the top.
    2. Area under roof of unenclosed spaces. For roof areas not cantilevered or projected, square foot area is calculated based on exterior face of supports. For cantilevered or projected roof areas, or fuel station canopies, a uniform overhang of 2 feet may be taken off exposed sides, the remaining square footage is used for calculating the valuation.
    3. Public/semi-public swimming pool. The maximum width times the maximum length is used to calculate the square footage for the fee.
    (g) Miscellaneous. Linear foot total length minus full height openings that are not gated. Length associated with an automatic gate maybe deducted.
    (F) Where work that is not exempt from a permit is found to have been done without a required permit, or has started prior to having the required permit issued, an investigation fee shall be charged. The investigative fee will be equal to, and in addition to, the fee applicable per the adopted fee schedule. The investigative fee is due at the time of application for the required permit, and is in addition to any other fees deposits due at that time. The Building and Safety Manager may reduce the investigation fee in the case of a cooperative homeowner that acts to resolve the violation within 30 calendar days after receiving notice of the violation. The Building and Safety Manager shall not reduce the investigation fee to less than $125.
    (G) Manufactured-home and factory-built building fees are set by the State of Arizona Department of Housing in May or June of the year, and are applicable to that fiscal year as of July 1.
    (H) Commercial valuation.
    (1) Construction type. All commercial buildings have a construction type as defined in Chapter 6 of the currently adopted International Building Code (“IBC”). The registered design professional (“RDP”) is responsible for determining the appropriate construction type for existing buildings and for setting the construction type for new commercial buildings. For tenant finish projects, the owner or owner’s representative shall provide the construction type. The Building Division does not set or determine the construction type.
    (2) Occupancy group. All commercial buildings and spaces will be classified per Chapter 3 of the currently adopted IBC. The owner, tenant or RDP will determine the correct occupancy group for the space or building. If a mixed use building is being proposed, the applicant shall work with the Building and Safety Manager to determine the appropriate mix of uses and applicable areas for valuation determination.
    (3) (a) Valuation is determined by multiplying the square footage as determined per § 4-4-1(E)(f)1. and 2. by the applicable per square foot valuation determined, based on the applicable construction type and occupancy group from the August 2018 ICC Building Valuation Table.
    (b) Fabric/membrane-covered structures shall be valued at 50% of the tabular amount for Construction Type V-B and applicable group.
    (I) Amount due at time of application.
    (1) Administrative fees. Where applicable, the full amount is due at application.
    (2) Technology and GIS fees. Technology and GIS fees are due at application.
    (3) Plan review and inspection fees. Where a minimum is applicable, plan review and inspection fees are due at application.
    (4) One- and two-family residential. A deposit equal to 40% of the calculated building permit fee is due at application. The minimum due at permit application shall be no less than $95 for residential permits requiring review. Permit application deposit fees are a part of the building permit fee and shall be credited against the total fees at permit issuance. Flat fees are due at time of permit application.
    (5) Park models. A deposit equal to 50% of the calculated building permit fee is due at application. The minimum due at permit application shall be no less than $95 for residential permits requiring review. Flat fees are due at time of permit application.
    (6) Manufactured homes/factory-built building. For set permits, 100% of fee is due at application; and for awnings, 50% of calculated fee is due. Flat fees are due at time of permit application.
    (7) Commercial (industrial) and storage tanks. A deposit equal to 40% of the calculated building permit fee is due at application. The minimum due at permit application shall be no less than $155 for commercial permits requiring review. Permit application deposit fees are a part of the building permit fee and shall be credited against the total fees at permit issuance. Flat fees are due at time of permit application.
    (8) Demolition and miscellaneous. Fees are due at permit submittal.
    (9) Electrical, mechanical/fuel gas and plumbing. Fees are due at permit submittal.
    (J) Exceptions. The following entities are exempt from paying permit fees:
    (1) Governmental entities that are, as a matter of law, immune from having to submit to permit fees; and
    (2) Utility companies and other entities whose permit fees have been waived by agreement or resolution of the City Council.
    (K) A building permit shall not be issued nor considered valid until all applicable fees established by the city have been paid, nor shall an amendment to a permit be released until the additional fee(s), if any, has been paid.
    (L) Permit application deposit fees pay for the initial plan review and 1 subsequent re-submittal for the same project made within the prescribed time limitations. If more than 2 plan reviews are required, or if the permit application shall expire by time limitation, additional fees may be assessed as determined appropriate by the Building and Safety Manager. At the time of permit issuance, additional fees for any increase in valuation or scope of work shall be assessed as a condition of permit issuance.
    (M) The City Manager or designee is authorized to adjust the resultant valuation amount when deemed necessary for establishing an equitable permit fee.
    (N) Fee refund policy. All refund requests must be accompanied by a request to cancel the permit and payment of the permit cancellation fee.
    (1) Administrative fees. Administrative fees are not eligible for refund.
    (2) Technology and GIS fees. If a refund is allowed for a permit where one or both of these fees has been paid, then the associated amount will be included in the refund amount.
    (3) Plan review and inspection fees. Where a separate plan review or inspection fee has been charged, the fee or fees are not eligible for refund.
    (4) One- and two-family residential. Where the building permit fee amount is $150 or less, or the amount paid to date, at the time of cancellation, is $150 or less, no refund will be granted.
    (a) Once any inspection has been performed under an issued permit, and has either passed or failed, no refund will be issued for a residential permit.
    (b) If a residential permit is issued, and no inspections and no work, including grading or installation of temporary electric, has been done, a refund of 50% of the building permit fee amount paid may be requested. No other fees are eligible for refund.
    (c) If a residential permit application has been reviewed by any review entity - zoning, building or flood administration - a refund of 25% of the deposit paid may be requested. Technology and GIS fees that have been paid will also be refunded. If the full building permit fee was paid at time of application, a refund of 70% of the building permit fee may be requested.
    (d) If a residential permit is cancelled prior to any reviews being started, a refund of 65% of the deposit may be requested. Technology and GIS fees that have been paid will also be refunded. If the full building permit fee was paid at time of application, a refund of 86% of the building permit fee may be requested.
    (5) Park models. Where the building permit fee amount is $150 or less, or the amount paid to date, at the time of cancellation, is $150 or less, no refund will be granted.
    (a) If a park model set permit is canceled prior to issuance, and the full fee was paid at application, then a refund of $150 may be requested. Associated fees for awnings and HVAC paid for with the park model set fee will be refunded at 100%.
    (b) For other refunds, see division (N)(4), One- and Two-family Residential, above.
    (6) Manufactured home/factory-built building. Where the building permit fee amount is $150 or less, or the amount paid to date, at the time of cancellation, is $150 or less, no refund will be granted.
    (a) Manufactured home. Where a permit for a manufactured home set is cancelled prior to issuance, and the full set fee of $360 was paid at time of application, a refund of $180 can be requested. Associated fees for awnings and HVAC paid for with the manufactured home set fee will be refunded at 100%. The manufactured home zoning review fee is nonrefundable.
    (b) Residential, factory-built building. Where a permit for a factory-built building set is cancelled prior to issuance and the full set fee of $450 was paid at time of application, a refund of $300 can be requested. Associated fees for awnings and HVAC paid for with the manufactured home set fee will be refunded at 100%.
    (c) Commercial, factory-built building. If a commercial, factory-built building permit application has been reviewed by any review entity - zoning, building or flood administration - a refund of 25% of the deposit paid may be requested. Technology and GIS fees that have been paid will also be refunded. If the full building permit fee was paid at time of application, a refund of 70% of the building permit fee may be requested. The zoning review fee is non-refundable.
    (d) Temporary sales trailer. Where a permit for a temporary sales trailer set is cancelled prior to issuance, and the full set fee of $360 was paid at time of application, a refund of $180 can be requested. Associated fees for awnings and HVAC paid for with the temporary sales trailer set permit fee will be refunded at 100%. The zoning review fee is non-refundable.
    (e) Manufactured home stucco. Where a permit for stuccoing the exterior of a manufactured home is cancelled prior to issuance and the full fee of $500 was paid at time of application, a refund of $250 can be requested.
    (7) Commercial (industrial) and storage tanks. Where the building permit fee amount is $200 or less, or the amount paid to date, at the time of cancellation, is $200 or less, no refund will be granted.
    (a) Once any inspection has been performed under an issued permit, and has either passed or failed, no refund will be issued for a commercial permit. No refunds will be provided for commercial building foundation only permits.
    (b) If a commercial permit is issued, and no inspections and no work, including grading or installation of temporary electric, demolition, and the like, has been done, a refund of 50% of the building permit fee amount paid may be requested. No other fees are eligible for refund.
    (c) If a commercial permit application has been reviewed by any review entity - zoning, building, or flood administration - a refund of 25% of the deposit paid may be requested. Technology and GIS fees that have been paid will also be refunded. If the full building permit fee was paid at time of application, a refund of 70% of the building permit fee may be requested.
    (d) If a commercial permit is cancelled prior to any reviews being started, a refund of 65% of the deposit may be requested. Technology and GIS fees that have been paid will also be refunded. If the full building permit fee was paid at time of application, a refund of 86% of the building permit fee may be requested.
    (8) Demolition and miscellaneous. No refunds will be provided on demolition permits. If a demolition permit is canceled, the cancellation fee will be waived. For walls and fences, a refund of 80% of the amount paid maybe requested.
    (9) Electrical, mechanical/fuel gas and plumbing. No refunds will be issued for standalone electrical, mechanical and plumbing permits. The fees can be applied to a like-for-like permit at a different address within 30 working days of the original permit application.
    Fee Type
    Administrative Fees
    Construction Board of Appeals
    per appeal
    Building code modification
    per request
    Building code studies
    per hour
    Written documentation of code compliance (2 hours for inspection, 2 hours for research, 2 hours for report)
    per request
    Investigation fee for construction performed prior to permit issuance. Minimum (min.) fee $250, not to exceed $2,500.
    per incident
    ($250 min.)
    100% of related permit fee
    Outside consultation services
    cost + $100
    Minimum administrative fee (admin. fee)
    per application
    Floodplain administration fee - applicable to all building permits issued in the A, AE and AH (1%) flood zones
    per application
    Floodplain elevation certificate review (City Engineer)
    per permit
    Floodplain base flood elevation determination (City Engineer)
    per occurrence
    Technology and GIS Fees
    Mechanical, electrical and plumbing (standalone permits) technology fee
    per permit
    2% of permit fee
    Residential one- and two-family technology fee
    per permit
    2% of permit fee
    Commercial (industrial) technology fee
    per permit
    ($750 max.)
    3.5% of permit fee
    GIS fee - all new building or addition permits
    per permit
    Plan Review
    Minimum plan review fee (max. 30 minutes)
    Additional plan review fee (min. 1 hr.)
    per hour
    Hourly plan review fee
    per hour
    Deferred submittal review (deferment approved before application submittal)
    Commercial (1 hour min. + admin. fee) each additional hr. $110
    Residential (0.5 hr. min. + admin. fee) each additional 0.5 hr. $55
    Commercial plan revision after permit issuance (min. 1 hr. + admin. fee) Each additional hr. at $110
    Residential plan revision after issuance (min. 0.5 hr. + admin. fee). Each additional 0.5 hr. at $55.
    Permit revision (change contractor, owner, and the like) min. 1 hr.
    per hour
    Permit cancellation
    Replication of plans (when approved by registered design professional “RDP”) plus cost
    each set
    Stamping of additional sets (after 2)
    each set
    Inspections - Fridays (1.5 hr. min.; scheduled by Tuesday prior)
    per hour
    Inspections - Weekends (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) 3 hr. min.;
    Holidays, 4 hr. min.
    per hour
    Inspections - outside office hours, Monday-Thursday (1.5 hr. min.)
    per hour
    Reinspection - same day (max. of 1) mandatory fee
    per inspection
    Reinspection - next day (inspector discretion)
    per inspection
    Miscellaneous inspections (includes courtesy inspections)
    per hour
    Certificate of installation - manufactured home (replacement or requested more than 8 days after final)
    per request
    Certificate of completion - residential (replacement or requested more than 8 days after final)
    per request
    Certificate of completion - commercial shell (replacement or requested more than 8 days after final)
    per request
    Certificate of occupancy - new commercial (replacement or requested more than 8 days after final)
    per request
    Certificate of occupancy - tenant improvement (replacement or requested more than 8 days after final)
    per request
    Change of occupancy (no work proposed or required)
    per request
    Temporary certificate of occupancy (maximum 30 days; no more than 2 renewals)
    per request
    One- and Two-Family Residential
    New residential, one- and two-family (1 story - per square foot (sq. ft.) under roof)
    per sq. ft. ($850 min.)
    Each additional story and/or basement
    per sq. ft.
    Occupied roof
    per sq. ft.
    Approved master plan-related permit
    new residential one- and two-family building permit fee times 80% (0.80)
    Residential addition - 1 to 3 stories each floor
    per sq. ft. ($425 min.)
    Residential addition - add additional story above existing
    per sq. ft. ($535 min.)
    Residential accessory dwelling (guest house)
    per sq. ft. ($475 min.)
    Each additional story and/or basement
    per sq. ft.
    Occupied roof
    per sq. ft.
    Residential interior remodel
    per sq. ft. ($145 min.)
    Residential convert carport or garage to living space (habitable)
    per sq. ft. ($195 min.)
    Patio cover/Arizona room - unconditioned (65% glass)
    per sq. ft. ($280 min.)
    Patio/porch roof only attached to one- or two-family dwelling (no walls)
    per sq. ft. ($240 min.)
    Residential accessory - unenclosed (ramada, carport)
    per sq. ft. ($280 min.)
    Residential accessory - enclosed 241 sq. ft. or larger (detached garage/other)
    per sq. ft. ($425 min.)
    Accessory structure (over 120 sq. ft., less than 241 sq. ft.) (no MEP)
    (2 inspections)
    Accessory structure (over 120 sq. ft., less than 241 sq. ft. ) (with any MEP) (3 inspections)
    Residential swimming pool/spa - in ground
    per sq. ft. of max. width x max. length (min. $300)
    Residential swimming pool - above ground; prefabricated spas (1 inspection)
    Residential spa - in ground (2 inspections)
    Residential roof replacement (1 inspection)
    Residential building relocation - new foundation
    per sq. ft. ($450 min.)
    Residential exterior stucco - not originally stucco (2 inspections)
    Residential window replacement (1 inspection)
    Park Models (RVs not designed for constant movement)
    Park model set - permanent connections includes up to 480 sq. ft. of attached awning (HVAC requires separate permit)
    flat (per unit)
    Park model - patio cover/Arizona room - unconditioned
    per sq. ft. ($280 min.)
    Park model addition - conditioned (no kitchen allowed)
    per sq. ft. ($425 min.)
    Park model - awning
    per sq. ft. ($240 min.)
    Park model convert storage shed to laundry
    flat (per space/lot)
    Park model remodel
    not allowed
    Park model exterior stucco
    not allowed
    Manufactured Home/Factory-Built Building
    Manufactured home (MH) set (includes 3 inspections; additional inspections $120)
    Fee based on State of Arizona Department of Housing Fee Schedule for current fiscal year
    MH A/C installation
    (See Mechanical)
    MH, factory-built building (FBB) residential, zoning review fee
    each MH, FBB residential
    MH awning (not part of original set permit)
    per sq. ft. ($240 min.)
    MH - addition to - See Residential addition
    MH remodeling, repair residential interior remodel
    FBB residential set (includes 3 inspections; additional inspections $120)
    Fee based on State of Arizona Department of Housing Fee Schedule for current fiscal year
    FBB commercial set, per linear foot, per story (includes 3 inspection; add. inspections $120)
    Fee based on State of Arizona Department of Housing Fee Schedule for current fiscal year
    Zoning review for a FBB commercial building (min. 1 hr.)
    per hr.
    Temporary sales trailer set (3 inspections)
    Temporary sales trailer zoning review fee
    MH exterior stucco (engineering is required) (3 inspections)
    Commercial (Industrial)
    Valuation (val.) for commercial construction to be determined per the August 2018 ICC Building Valuation Table. Using the corresponding valuation determined, based on the proposed occupancy and type of construction, multiplied times the square footage of each floor under roof.
    New commercial building
    total val. ($300 min.)
    Commercial building shell only
    80% of total val. ($300 min.)
    Commercial building foundation only (not deducted from building permit fee)
    15% of total val. ($300 min.)
    Tenant improvement (TI) - vanilla/minor work
    10% of total val. ($225 min.)
    Tenant improvement/shell buildout (TI)
    25% of total val. ($300 min.)
    Commercial roof replacement (use 10% of occupancy “U”, Type VB for val.)
    total val. ($225 min.)
    Commercial remodel - interior
    20% of total val.
    Commercial addition
    total val. ($300 min.)
    Commercial remodel - exterior (4 inspections)
    Commercial exterior stucco - not originally stucco (3 inspections)
    Commercial accessory structure - (occupancy S-2, Type VB)
    total val. ($350 min.)
    Public/semi-public swimming pool
    per sq. ft. of max. width by max. length ($355 min.)
    Public/semi-public spa (3 inspections)
    Commercial kitchen ventilation and exhaust system - Type 1 hood (not a part of another permit) (3 inspections)
    flat (per hood)
    Sign permit - no electrical (1 inspection)
    Sign permit - with electrical (2 inspections)
    Above Ground Storage Tanks
    Flammable/combustible storage tanks 1,001 gallons to 2,000 gallons (3 inspections)
    Flammable/combustible storage tanks over 2,000 gallons (4 inspections)
    One-/two-family residential (1 inspection)
    Residential accessory (1 inspection)
    Commercial/non-residential (including interior demo separate from remodeling, tenant improvement permit) (2 inspections)
    Construction trailer (1 inspection)
    Walls - retaining wall over 48 inches from top of wall to bottom of footer; themed, perimeter and privacy over 6 feet in height
    per linear foot ($170 min.)
    Fences - block, wood, wrought iron, chain-link, other privacy, and the like, over 6 feet in height
    per linear foot ($100 min.)
    Electrical meter clearance existing service - residential
    per service
    Electrical meter clearance existing service - commercial
    per service
    New/replace/upgrade one-/two-family residential service, not greater than 200 amps
    per service
    New/replace/upgrade one/two-family residential service, greater than 200 amps
    per amp
    ($220 min.)
    Electrical panel derate, residential
    per service
    New/replace/upgrade multifamily residential service, not greater than 800 amps - base $220 plus $50 per meter
    per building
    New/replace/upgrade commercial electrical service, not greater than 200 amps
    per service
    New/replace/upgrade commercial electrical service greater than 200 amps - base $310 plus $ 1.20 per amp plus $50 per meter
    per amp ($310 min.)
    New/replace/upgrade pedestal for manufactured home, park model or RV space not over 200 amps (for over 200 amps, follow one- and two-family fees)
    per service
    Electrical repair/branch circuit or lighting additions, residential, includes 1 inspection - base $120 (additional inspections $75 per)
    per dwelling unit
    Electrical repair/branch circuit or lighting additions, commercial
    (1 inspection)
    per building or tenant space
    Temporary electrical service for new construction - included in building permit fee
    Temporary electrical service not associated with a permitted project
    (1 inspection)
    per meter
    Generator, permanent residential, includes transfer switch
    per dwelling unit
    Generator, permanent commercial, includes transfer switch - base $250 plus $0.10 watt above 20,000 watts
    per watt
    ($250 min.)
    Photovoltaic system, residential, no storage battery
    per dwelling unit
    Photovoltaic system, residential, with storage battery
    per dwelling unit
    Photovoltaic system, residential modification
    per change
    Photovoltaic system, commercial, no storage battery, up to 50 kilowatts (add 1 hour plan review for storage $110)
    per location
    Photovoltaic system, commercial, no storage battery, 51-100 Kilowatts (battery - add $110)
    per location
    Mechanical/Fuel Gas
    Commercial HVAC - replace existing RTU, less than 2,000 cfm (plus $100 each additional unit on same building)
    per building or unit
    Commercial HVAC - replace existing RTU, greater than 2,000 cfm (plus $100 each additional unit on same building)
    per building or unit
    Commercial HVAC - add new RTU, unit less than 2,000 cfm
    per building or unit
    Commercial HVAC - add new RTU unit, 2,000 cfm or greater
    per building or unit
    Commercial HVAC - add new RTU unit, 2,000 cfm or greater
    per building or unit
    Commercial HVAC add or replace mini-split, central air or remote cooler/freezer condenser (plus $50 each additional unit on same building)
    per building or unit
    Residential new heat pump, air conditioner, mini-split for park model, manufactured home, single-family dwelling (1 inspection)
    Commercial gas clearance
    per meter
    Commercial install gas storage tank (250 gallon) $0.50 per liquid gallon above 250 gallons
    per gallon ($250 min.)
    Residential gas clearance (1 inspection)
    Residential install new gas storage tank (100-500 gallon) (2 inspections)
    Residential gas line addition, repair or replace up to 50 feet (plus $25 each additional 50-foot increment)
    per 50 feet ($115 min.)
    Commercial gas line addition, repair or replace up to 50 feet (plus $30 per 50-foot increment)
    per 50 feet ($200 min.)
    Interior water repipe includes admin. fee and 2 inspections
    per dwelling unit
    Septic abandonment, no sewer connection
    per tank
    Septic abandonment with sewer connection
    per dwelling unit
    Water heater, residential - change fuel/energy source, change type - tank to tankless, change location
    per dwelling unit
    Water heater, commercial - change fuel/energy source, change type - tank to tankless, change location
    per dwelling unit
    CO2 tanks and piping in existing building
    per building or unit
    Used grease collection system - tank and piping in existing building
    per building or unit
    Grease, lint, oil or other interceptor for an existing building.
    Residential remodel bathroom when replacing, minimum 3 fixtures, or change shower type (each additional in same house or unit $75)
    Residential relocate toilet or relocate/alter shower/tub
    per dwelling unit
    Commercial restroom remodel - includes 2 lavatories, 2 toilets; additional fixtures - $30 each
    Residential, roof-mounted solar water heater
    per dwelling unit
    Residential water/sewer line addition/repair/replace up to 50 feet (plus $25 each additional 50 foot increment)
    per 50 ft. ($115 min.)
    Commercial water/sewer line addition/repair/replace up to 50 feet (plus $30 each additional 50 foot increment)
    per 50 ft. ($200 min.)
    (Ord. 1274, passed 9-5-2006; Am. Ord. 1278, passed 10-3-2006; Am. Ord. 1469, passed 3-19-2019; Am. Ord. 1482, passed 12-17-2019)