Latest version.
  • (A) CHAPTER 1 SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION is amended as follows:
    (1) Section 101.1 of the 2018 International Building Code is amended to read, in its entirety, as follows:
    101.1 Title. These regulations shall be known as the Apache Junction Building Code, hereinafter referred to as “this code.”
    (2) Sections 101.2 through 116.5 inclusive are deleted in their entirety. See Vol. I, Chapter 7, Article 7-1, Division of Building Safety and Inspection Administrative Code.
    (B) CHAPTER 2 DEFINITIONS is amended as follows:
    The following definitions have been added or amended to read as follows:
    ADULT DAY HEALTH CARE FACILITY (A.R.S. § 36-401). A facility that provides adult day health services during a portion of a continuous twenty-four-hour period for compensation on a regular basis for five or more adults who are not related to the proprietor. (added)
    ADULT DAY HEALTH SERVICES (A.R.S. § 36-401). A program that provides planned care supervision and activities, personal care, personal living skills training, meals and health monitoring in a group setting during a portion of a continuous twenty-four-hour period. Adult day health services may also include preventive, therapeutic and restorative health-related services that do not include behavioral health services. (added)
    ADULT DEVELOPMENTAL HOME (A.R.S. § 36-551). A residential setting in a family home in which the care, physical custody and supervision of the adult client are the responsibility, under a twenty-four-hour care model, of the licensee who, in that capacity, is not an employee of the division or of a service provider and the home provides the following services for a group of siblings or up to three adults with developmental disabilities- room and board, habilitation, appropriate personal care and appropriate supervision. (added)
    ADULT FOSTER CARE HOME (A.R.S. § 36-401). A residential setting that provides room and board and adult foster care services for at least one and no more than four adults who are participants in the Arizona long-term care system pursuant to Chapter 29, Article 2 of this title or contracts for services with the United States department of veterans affairs and in which the sponsor or the manager resides with the residents and integrates the residents who are receiving adult foster care into that person’s family. (added)
    ADULT FOSTER CARE SERVICES (A.R.S. § 36-401). Supervision, assistance with eating, bathing, toileting, dressing, self-medication and other routines of daily living or services authorized by rules adopted pursuant to A.R.S. §§ 36-405 and 36-2939, subsection C. (added)
    ASSISTED LIVING CENTER (A.R.S. § 36-401). An assisted living facility that provides resident rooms or residential units to eleven or more residents. (added)
    ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY (A.R.S. § 36-401). A residential care institution, including an adult foster care home, that provides or contracts to provide supervisory care services, personal care services or directed care services on a continuous basis. (added)
    ASSISTED LIVING HOME (A.R.S. § 36-401). An assisted living facility that provides resident rooms to ten or fewer residents. (added)
    BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES. Services that pertain to mental health and substance use disorders.
    COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL SETTING (A.R.S. § 36-551). A residential setting in which persons with developmental disabilities live and are provided with appropriate supervision by the service provider responsible for the operation of the residential setting. Community residential setting includes a child developmental home or an adult developmental home operated or contracted by the Department or the Department's contracted vendor or a group home operated or contracted by the Department. (added)
    DIRECTED CARE SERVICE (A.R.S. § 36-401). Programs and services, including supervisory and personal care services that are provided to persons who are incapable of recognizing danger, summoning assistance, expressing need, or making basic care decisions. (added)
    EXISTING BUILDING. See definition Apache Junction City Code Vol. I, § 7-1-2(F). (delete and replace)
    EXISTING STRUCTURE. A structure in existence prior to 1985, or constructed 1985 or later under an issued building permit, which has passed all required inspections. (delete and replace)
    GROUP HOME (A.R.S. § 36-551). A community residential setting for not more than six persons with developmental disabilities that is operated by a service provider under contract with the Department and that provides room and board and daily habilitation, and other assessed medically necessary services and supports to meet the needs of each person. Group home does not include an adult developmental home, a child developmental home or an intermediate care facility for persons with an intellectual disability. (delete and replace)
    GROUP TREATMENT HOME. A facility for social rehabilitation, substance abuse or mental health problems that contains a group housing arrangement that provides custodial care but does not provide medical care. (amended)
    HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION (A.R.S. § 36-401). Every place, institution, building or agency, whether organized for profit or not, that provides facilities with medical services, nursing services, behavioral health services, health screening services, other health-related services, supervisory care services, personal care services or directed care services and includes home health agencies as defined in A.R.S. § 36-151, outdoor behavioral health care programs and hospice service agencies. Health care institution does not include a community residential setting as defined in A.R.S. § 36-551. (added)
    INTERMEDIATE CARE FACILITY FOR PERSONS WITH AN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY (A.R.S. § 36-551). A facility that primarily provides health and rehabilitative services to persons with developmental disabilities that are above the service level of room and board or supervisory care services or personal care services as defined in A.R.S. § 36-401 but that are less intensive than skilled nursing services. (added)
    LICENSED CAPACITY (A.R.S. § 36-401). The total number of persons for whom the health care institution is authorized by the Department to provide services as required pursuant to this chapter if the person is expected to stay in the health care institution for more than twenty-four hours. (added)
    NURSING CARE INSTITUTION (A.R.S. § 36-401). A health care institution that provides inpatient beds or resident beds and nursing services to persons who need continuous nursing services but who do not require hospital care or direct daily care from a physician.
    NURSING HOMES. See Nursing Care Institution.
    PERSONAL CARE SERVICE. Assistance with activities of daily living that can be performed by persons without professional skills or professional training and includes the coordination or provision of intermittent nursing services and the administration of medications and treatments by a nurse who is licensed pursuant to A.R.S. Title 32, Chapter 15 or as otherwise provided by law. (delete and replace)
    RESIDENTIAL CARE INSTITUTION. A health care institution other than a hospital or a nursing care institution that provides resident beds or residential units, supervisory care services, personal care services, behavioral health services, directed care services or health-related services for persons who do not need continuous nursing services. (added)
    SUPERVISORY CARE SERVICE. General supervision, including daily awareness of resident functioning and continuing needs, the ability to intervene in a crisis and assistance in the self-administration of prescribed medications. (added)
    (C) CHAPTER 3 OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION AND USE is amended to read as follows:
    (1) Section 304.1 Business Group B is amended to read as follows:
    To Ambulatory Care Facilities add the following:
    (where not more than five (5) persons are incapable of self-preservation, and these persons are located at the floor/story at grade plane, with required exits at the grade plane.)
    (2) Section 308.2 Institutional Group I-1 is amended to read as follows:
    308.2 Institutional Group I-1. Institutional Group I-1 occupancy shall include buildings, structures, or portions thereof, for the housing of more than ten (10) persons, excluding staff, who reside on a twenty-four- (24) hour basis in a supervised environment and receive custodial care, personal care service and/or supervisory care service. Buildings of Group I-1 shall be classified as one of the occupancy conditions specified in Section 308.2.1 or 308.2.2. This group shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
    Behavioral health services facilities
    Assisted living centers with more than ten (10) residents, licensed by the State of Arizona
    Department of Health Services Group treatment homes, with more than ten (10) residents, licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    Halfway houses
    Intermediate care facility for persons with an intellectual disability, with more than ten (10) residents, licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    Residential care institution, with more than ten (10) residents, licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    Social rehabilitation facilities
    308.2.3 Six to ten persons receiving supervisory and custodial care services. A facility housing not fewer than six (6) and not more than ten (10) persons receiving supervisory and custodial care services shall be classified as Group R-4.
    (3) Section 308.3 Institutional Group I-2 is amended to read as follows:
    308.3 Institutional Group I-2. Institutional Group 1-2 occupancy shall include buildings and structures or portions thereof, used for medical care or direct care on a 24-hour basis for more than five persons who are incapable of self-preservation. This group shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
    Ambulatory Care Facilities where more than five persons are incapable of self-preservation
    Assisted living center or assisted living home providing direct care services, where more than five persons are incapable of self-preservation and are licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    Foster care facilities
    Detoxification facilities
    Intermediate care facility for persons with an intellectual disability, providing direct care services, where more than five persons are incapable of self-preservation, licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    Nursing Care Institutions
    Psychiatric hospitals
    Residential-care institution, providing direct care services, where more than 5 persons are incapable of self-preservation, licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    308.3.2 Five or fewer persons receiving medical care. A facility with five or fewer persons receiving medical care that are incapable of self-preservation shall be classified as Group R-3.
    (4) Section 308.5 Institutional Group I-4 is amended to read as follows:
    308.5 Institutional Group I-4, day care facilities. Institutional Group 1-4 occupancy shall include buildings and structures occupied by more than five persons of any age who receive custodial care, personal care service and/or supervisory care service for fewer than 24 hours per day by persons other than parents or guardians, relatives by blood, marriage, or adoption, and in a place other than the home of the person cared for. This group shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
    Adult Day Health Care Facilities, with five or more persons, licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    Child day care
    (5) Section 310.3. Residential Group R-2 amend as follows:
    Add the following after Motels (nontransient) - Residential condominiums
    (6) Section 310.4 Residential Group R-3 is amended to read as follows:
    310.4 Residential Group R-3. Residential Group R-3 occupancies where the occupants are primarily permanent in nature and not classified as R-l, R-2, R-4, or I, including:
    Adult developmental home, licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    Adult Foster Care Home, licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    Buildings that do not contain more than two (2) dwelling units
    Congregate living facilities (nontransient) with 16 or fewer occupants
    Boarding houses
    Fraternities and sororities
    Congregate living facilities (transient) with 10 or fewer occupants
    Boarding houses (transient)
    Group Home (A.R.S. § 36-551)
    Lodging houses (transient) with five or fewer guest rooms and 10 or fewer occupants
    (7) Section 310.5 Residential Group R-4 is amended to read as follows:
    310.5 Residential Group R-4. Residential Group R-4 occupancy shall include buildings, structures or portions thereof for more than five but not more than ten (10) persons, excluding staff, who reside on a 24-hour basis in a supervised residential environment and receive custodial care, personal care service and/or supervisory care service. Building of Group R-4 shall be classified as one of the occupancy conditions indicated below. This group shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
    Behavioral health services facilities
    Assisted living home, licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    Group Treatment Homes
    Halfway Houses
    Intermediate care facility for persons with an intellectual disability, providing direct care services, where no more than five persons are incapable of self-preservation, licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    Residential-care institution, providing direct care services, where no more than 5 persons are incapable of self-preservation, licensed by the State of Arizona Department of Health Services
    Social rehabilitation facilities
    (1) Section 404.3 Automatic sprinkler protection is amended by deleting Exception 1.
    404.3 Automatic sprinkler protection. An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout the entire building.
    1. Where the ceiling of the atrium is more than 55 feet (16,764 mm) above the floor, sprinkler protection at the ceiling of the atrium is not required.
    (2) 410.6 Automatic sprinkler system is amended by deleting exception #2:
    410.6 Automatic sprinkler system. Stages shall be equipped with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. Sprinklers shall be installed under the roof and gridiron and under all catwalks and galleries over the stage. Sprinklers shall be installed in dressing rooms, performer lounges, shops and storerooms accessory to such stages.
    1. Sprinklers are not required under stage areas less than 4 feet (1219 mm) in clear height that are utilized exclusively for storage of tables and chairs, provided that the concealed space is separated from the adjacent spaces by Type X gypsum board not less than 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) in thickness.
    2. Sprinklers are not required within portable orchestra enclosures on stages.
    (1) Section 707.3.11 Electrical Rooms with Service Entrance Equipment is added and shall read as follows:
    707.3.11 Electrical Rooms with Service Entrance Equipment. Fire-resistance rated walls and/ or horizontal assemblies, with a fire-resistance rating of one hour shall be provided to separate an electrical room containing service entrance equipment from adjacent rooms and spaces.
    (1) Section 903. is amended by deleting item number 4.
    (G) CHAPTER 10 MEANS OF EGRESS is amended as follows:
    (1) Section 1010.1.10 Panic and fire exit hardware is amended as follows: In the second paragraph delete the words “and over 6 feet (1,829mm) wide.”
    (H) CHAPTER 11 ACCESSIBILITY is amended as follows:
    (1) Section 1101 GENERAL is amended as follows:
    1101.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter and the “Arizonans with Disabilities Act” A.R.S. Title 41, Chapter 9, Articles 7 and 8, and Arizona Administrative Code, Title 10, Chapter 3, Article 4 shall control the design and construction of facilities for accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
    1101.2 Where the requirements of this Chapter or the ICC/ANSI Al 17.1 are at variance from the requirements set forth in A.R.S. Title 41, Chapter 9, Articles 7 and 8, and the “Arizonans with Disabilities Act Implementing Rules,” Arizona Administrative Code, Title 10, Chapter 3, Article 4, the state statute and implementing rules shall govern.
    (2) Section 1102.1 Design is amended by adding the following:
    1102.1 Design. Buildings and facilities shall be designed and constructed to be accessible in accordance with this code and ICC Al 17.1 and in accordance with provisions Arizona Administrative Code R10-3-401 through R-10-3-404. The “2010 Standards” includes “Public Entities,” appendices B and D to 36 CFR 1191 (2009) and 28 CFR 35.151 (2011) and “Places of public accommodation and commercial facilities” appendices B and D to 36 CFR 1191 (2009) and 28 CFR 36.401 through 36.406 (2011), whichever standard provides the greatest degree of accessibility.
    (3) Section 1103.2.5 Construction sites is amended and reads as follows:
    1103.2.5 Construction sites. Structures, sites and equipment directly associated with the actual processes of construction including, but not limited to, scaffolding, bridging, materials hoists, materials storage or construction trailers are not required to comply with this chapter. The public portions of temporary sales offices/trailers are required to be accessible. There shall be accessible parking and an accessible route from the accessible parking aisle to the sales office/trailer and throughout the public portion of the sales office/trailer, including the design center. Accessible toilet rooms shall be provided according to this code.
    (I) IBC CHAPTER 12 INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT is amended as follows:
    (1) Section 1204.1 Equipment and systems. Delete and replace with:
    1204.1 Equipment and systems. Interior spaces intended for human occupancy shall be provided with heating per Section 1204.1.1 and cooling per Section 1204.1.2.
    1204.1.1 Heating
    Heating facilities shall be provided, capable of maintaining room temperature at 68°F (20°C) in all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms, based on the winter design temperature of 34°F (01°C) for Phoenix, per Appendix D of the International Plumbing Code. Cooking appliances shall not be used to provide space heating to meet the requirements of this section.
    Exceptions: Heating systems are not required for:
    1. Interior spaces where the primary purpose of the space is not associated with human comfort.
    2. Group F, H, S or U occupancies.
    1204.1.2 Cooling
    Cooling facilities shall be provided, capable of maintaining room temperature at 85°F (29°C) in all habitable rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms, based on the summer design temperature of 107°F (42°C) for Phoenix, per Appendix D of the International Plumbing Code.
    Exceptions: Cooling systems are not required for:
    1. Interior spaces where the primary purpose of the space is not associated with human comfort.
    2. Group F, H, S or U occupancies.
    (J) CHAPTER 16 STRUCTURAL DESIGN is amended as follows:
    (1) Table 1607.1, #25 Residential is amended to read as follows:
    Habitable Attics and Sleeping Areas: 40
    (2) Section 1609.3 Basic design wind speed is amended to read as follows:
    1609.3 Basic design wind speed. At the end of the first sentence add “or by using the following wind speeds: Risk Category I - 100 mph; Risk Category 11-105 mph; Risk Category III -110 mph; and Risk Category IV - 115 mph.”
    (3) Section 1612.3 Establishment of flood hazard areas is amended to read as follows:
    Section 1612.3 Establishment of flood hazard areas. “The Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for the City of Apache Junction dated March 30, 1982,” with accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) and Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps (FBFMs) revised December 4, 2007, establishes the flood hazard areas located in the City of Apache Junction.
    (K) CHAPTER 17 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTS is amended as follows:
    (1) Section 1704.3 Statement of special inspections is by amended by deleting the Exception.
    (2) Section 1704.6.1 Structural observations for structures is amended by adding additional conditions.
    1704.6.1 Structural observations for structures. Structural observations shall be provided for those structures where one or more of the following conditions exist:
    1. The structure is classified as Risk Category IV.
    2. The structure is a high-rise building.
    3. Such observation is required by the registered design professional responsible for the structural design.
    4. Such observation is specifically required by the Building and Safety Manager.
    5. The height of the structure is greater than 75 feet (22.860mm) above the grade plane.
    6. The structure has more than three stories above the grade plane.
    7. Elevated post-tensioned concrete structures.
    8. Prefabricated deferred units and their connections when such units are utilized structurally in the lateral force-resisting systems of a structure.
    (3) Section 1704.7 is added as follows:
    1704.7 Mechanical, electrical and plumbing observations.
    1704.7.1 General.
    The owner shall employ the registered design professional responsible for the mechanical, electrical or plumbing design, or another registered design professional designated by the registered design professional responsible for the mechanical, electrical or plumbing design, to perform visual observation of complex mechanical, electrical or plumbing equipment and systems for general conformance to the approved plans and specifications, including but not limited to, placement and interconnection of equipment and systems. Mechanical, electrical or plumbing observation shall be performed at significant stages of the construction and when the particular installation is complete and ready to be inspected. Mechanical, electrical or plumbing observations are in addition to the inspections required by Vol. I, § 7-1-7 of the Apache Junction Building Code and the special inspections required by Section 1705.19, 1705.20 and 1705.21.
    1704.7.1.1 Procedures.
    The registered design professional responsible for mechanical, electrical or plumbing observation shall personally visit the site prior to completion of the Certificate of Compliance and periodically during the course of construction requiring mechanical, electrical or plumbing observation as set forth in the inspection and observation program for each project.
    The registered design professional responsible for performing mechanical, electrical or plumbing observation shall complete a signed written report after each site visit. A copy of each report shall be kept on the job site for review by an inspector at all times until the inspector has issued final approval. Any and all deviations from the approved plans or specifications shall be immediately reported to the contractor for correction and then, if uncorrected, shall be reported to the registered design professional in responsible charge and to the Building and Safety Manager.
    In addition to individual reports, the registered design professional in responsible charge shall file with the Building and Safety Manager a written monthly progress report indicating the dates of each site visit, the special inspections or observations performed, any deviations noted from approved plans and specifications and any resulting instructions or change orders issued to the contractor.
    1704.7.1.2 Certificate of compliance.
    Upon completion of the portions of the work requiring mechanical, electrical or plumbing observation, a Certificate of Compliance shall be issued to the Building and Safety Manager under the seal and signature of the registered design professional responsible for such observation. A Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until the building and safety manager receives all required special observation reports and the Certificates of Compliance.
    The Certificate of Compliance for mechanical, electrical or plumbing observation shall read as follows:
    “I certify to the best of my knowledge the [mechanical, electrical or plumbing] requirements of the Apache Junction Building Code and approved plans and specifications have been complied with insofar as the portion of the work requiring [mechanical, electrical or plumbing] observation is concerned, except for those deviations that have been previously reported. A guarantee that the contractor has constructed the building in full accord with the plans and specifications is neither intended nor implied.”
    1704.7.2 Mechanical, electrical and plumbing required observations.
    1704.7.2.1 Mechanical observation. Mechanical observation shall be provided when one of the following conditions exist:
    1. A complex exhaust system is required for a hazardous condition or occupancy.
    2. When such observation is specifically required by the Building and Safety Manager.
    1704.7.2.2 Electrical observation. Electrical observation shall be provided when one of the following conditions exist:
    1. Installations or alterations of high-voltage electrical systems, which exceed 1000 volts.
    2. Installations or alterations of electrical systems within locations classified as hazardous by the provisions of adopted the National Electric Code, or the International Fire Code, except for gasoline dispensing installations and systems located within storage garages, repair garages or lubritoriums.
    3. When such observation is specifically required by the Building and Safety Manager.
    1704.7.2.3 Plumbing observation. Plumbing observation shall be provided when one of the following conditions exist:
    1. When such observation is specifically required by the Building and Safety Manager.
    (4) New sections 1705.19 Electrical special inspections, 1705.20 Mechanical special inspections, and 1705.21 Plumbing special inspections are added at the end of section 1705 and read as follows:
    1705.19 Electrical special inspections.
    The types of equipment or installations noted below shall be tested or inspected by a special inspector.
    1. Ground-fault protection of equipment (“GFPE”) required under Article 230.95, shall be performance tested per Article 230.95(C). The results of the testing shall be submitted to the Building and Safety Manager prior to the energizing of the equipment.
    2. Installation or repair of switchboards, panelboards, motor control centers, and other equipment rated 1,200 amps or more; or over 1,000 volts.
    3. Installation or alteration of essential electrical systems required under Article 517 Health Care Facilities, emergency systems covered by Article 700 Emergency Systems and systems covered by Article 701 Legally Required Standby Systems, including switchboards, panel boards, distribution boards, transfer equipment, power source, conductors, fire pumps, and exhaust and ventilation fans.
    4. Transformers rated 100 kVA or more, single phase; or 300 kVA or more, three phase.
    5. When electrical special inspection is specifically required by the Building and Safety Manager.
    Exception: The Building and Safety Manager may waive the requirement for special inspection if the construction is of a minor nature.
    1705.20 Mechanical special inspections.
    The types of equipment or installations noted below shall be tested or inspected by a special inspector in accordance with regulations established by the Building and Safety Manager:
    1. Duct smoke detectors for air distribution systems as required by International Mechanical Code section 606.5.
    2. Fire, fire/smoke, radiation and smoke damper operation for dampers required by International Mechanical Code section 607.3.
    3. Installation of grease duct enclosure alternative systems allowed under the exceptions to the International Mechanical Code section 506.3.11 where the grease exhaust duct passes completely through one or more stories above.
    4. Test and Balance report for air balance of ventilation systems installed in ambulatory care and 1-2 occupancies designed and installed in accordance with ASHRAE 170 as required by International Mechanical Code section 407.1.
    5. When mechanical special inspection is specifically required by the Building and Safety Manager.
    Exception: The Building and Safety Manager may waive the requirement for special inspection if the construction is of a minor nature.
    1705.21 Plumbing special inspections.
    The types of equipment or installations noted below shall be tested or inspected by a special inspector.
    1. Nonflammable medical gas systems, inhalation anesthetic systems and vacuum piping systems, except portable systems or cylinder storage.
    2. When plumbing special inspection is specifically required by the Building and Safety Manager.
    Exception: The Building and Safety Manager may waive the requirement for special inspection if the construction is of a minor nature.
    (L) CHAPTER 18 SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS is amended as follows:
    A new section, 1803.5.13 Post-tensioned slabs on ground, is added at the end of section 1803.5 and reads as follows:
    Section 1803.5.13 Post-tensioned slabs on ground. A geotechnical investigation is required for the design of all post-tensioned slabs on ground. The investigation report shall include all soil parameters as outlined in PTI DC-10.5. information required on the drawings includes, but is not limited to, slab type, soil parameters, bearing value and depth, coefficient of subgrade friction, soil subgrade modulus, em and ym for expansive soils and all special inspection requirements.
    (M) CHAPTER 19 CONCRETE is amended as follows:
    A new section, 1907.2 Post-tensioned slabs on ground, is added at the end of section 1907 and reads as follows:
    Section 1907.2 Post-tensioned slabs on ground. All post-tensioned slabs on ground shall be permanently stamped, marked or otherwise identified in a conspicuous location indicating the slab is a post-tensioned slab. Conspicuous locations include, but are not limited to, entrance porches, slabs at garage doors or patio slabs.
    (N) CHAPTER 21 MASONRY is amended as follows:
    Section 2111.1 General. The construction of masonry fireplaces, consisting of concrete or masonry, shall be in accordance with this section and Vol. I, § 7-1-12 of Chapter 7 Buildings.
    (O) CHAPTER 29 PLUMBING SYSTEMS is amended to read as follows:
    Table 2902.1 Minimum Number of Required Plumbing Fixtures is amended as follows:
    Revise footnote “e” to read as follows: For business and mercantile classifications with an occupant load of 25 or fewer, a service sink shall not be required. This exception does not apply to any B or M occupancy where food or drink is prepared and served.
    Add new footnote “g” to read as follows:
    g. 24 inches (610 mm) of a linear wash sink or 18 inches (457 mm) of a circular wash basin shall be provided for each faucet to be counted toward the required lavatories.
    Section 3201 GENERAL is amended to read as follows:
    3201.1 Scope. The provisions of the City of Apache Junction City Code, Vol. I, Chapter 13 shall govern the encroachments of structures into the public right-of-way.
    Sections 3201.2 through 3202.4 are deleted in their entirety.
    (Q) APPENDIX I PATIO COVERS is amended as follows:
    (1) Amend Title to APPENDIX I PATIO ROOMS.
    (2) 1101.1 General. Patio rooms shall be permitted to be detached from or attached to dwelling units. Patio rooms shall be used only for recreational, outdoor living purposes and not as carports, garages, storage rooms or habitable rooms.
    (3) 1102.1 General. The following term shall, for the purposes of this appendix, have the meaning shown herein. Refer to Chapter 2 of this code for general definitions.
    PATIO ROOM. A structure with open or glazed walls that is used for recreational, outdoor living purposes associated with a dwelling unit.
    (4) 1104.1 Height. Patio rooms shall be limited to one-story structures not more than 12 feet in height.
    (5) 1105.1 Design loads. Patio rooms shall be designed and constructed to sustain, within the stress limits of the code, all dead loads plus a vertical live load of 10 pounds per square foot (0.48 kn/M2) except that snow loads shall be used where such snow loads exceed this minimum. Such patio rooms shall be designed to resist the minimum wind and seismic loads set forth in this code.
    (6) 1105.2 Footings. In areas with a frost depth of zero, a patio room shall be permitted to be supported on a concrete slab on grade without footings, provided that the slab conforms to the provisions of Chapter 19 of this code and is not less than 3-1/2 inches (89 mm) thick, and the columns do not support loads in excess of 750 pounds (3.36 kn) per column.
    (Am. Ord. 1273, passed 9-5-2006; Am. Ord. 1475, passed 6-19-2019)