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  • (A) The City of Apache Junction, having entered into the National Flood Insurance Program by Resolution 79-41, adopted on November 7, 1979, is required to provide adequate floodplain management and control measures, with effective enforcement, consistent with criteria set forth by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) and Section 1910 of the National Flood Insurance Program Regulations (“NFIPR”). This action:
    (1) Allows residents of the community to acquire federally subsidized flood insurance;
    (2) Provides for local floodplain management;
    (3) Allows for a unified national program for managing flood losses; and
    (4) Provides for safer living conditions.
    (B) The following excerpts are taken from the Federal Register:
    (1) Flood insurance shall not be sold or renewed unless the community has adopted and uniformly enforces adequate minimum floodplain management regulations;
    (2) Requires all building sites be reasonably safe from flooding and constructed to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement, with materials resistant to flood damage and by methods to minimize flood damage. Specific requirements are provided for manufactured homes;
    (3) Requires public utilities and facilities (includes septic systems) be constructed to minimize flood damage and prevent infiltration of floodwaters and system contamination;
    (4) Requires certification that alteration or relocation of a watercourse does not adversely affect upstream and downstream properties;
    (5) Requires assurances that the flood carrying capacity within altered or relocated portions of watercourses be maintained;
    (6) Requires evacuation plan and alternate vehicular access and escape routes be provided in Arizona;
    (7) Requires a State of Arizona registered civil engineer or architect certify that floodproofing methods are adequate to withstand the flood depths, pressures, velocities, impact, up-lift forces and other factors associated with the base flood elevation;
    (8) Requires that a grading and drainage plan be prepared by a State of Arizona registered civil engineer;
    (9) Requires compliance by new construction or expansion by existing developments or when repair, reconstruction or improvement equals or exceeds 50% of the value of the existing development;
    (10) Requires all encroachments, including fill and new construction be prohibited so as to not increase the base flood elevation;
    (11) Prohibits the placement of new manufactured homes within regulatory floodways;
    (12) Variances:
    (a) Granting a variance is generally limited to lot sizes of less than ½ acre.
    (b) Variances shall not be issued within a designated floodway if any increase in flood levels would result.
    (c) Variances shall only be issued with a showing of good and sufficient cause and exceptional hardship, providing the variance will not result in increased flood heights, threats to public safety and expense, nuisances or conflicts.
    (d) Variances will result in increased premium rates for flood insurance.
    (13) Failure to adopt or enforce floodplain management regulations will result in suspension of the community flood insurance program; and
    (14) FEMA elevation certificate prepared by a State of Arizona registered civil engineer or land surveyor is required.
    (C) In order to comply with federal requirements, developers and engineers shall provide the following information:
    (1) Confirm what flood zone the development is located within.
    (2) Confirm or determine the base flood (Q100) elevation.
    (3) Confirm the lowest floor (including basement) is elevated or floodproofed to 1 foot above the base flood level (additional 1 foot freeboard flood elevation is recommended).
    (4) Confirm watercourses enter and leave areas to be developed in their natural locations, and that flows or highwater elevations are not increased to the detriment of upstream and downstream properties.
    (5) Ensure that hydrologic data is presented in accordance with the standards found in this article.
    (6) Refer to and comply with provisions of Apache Junction City Code Vol. II, Chapter 5, Floodplain Management.
    (Ord. passed - - )