(A) Flood Control District of Maricopa County (“FCDMC”).
(1) Drainage Design Manual. The developer and associated design professionals are expected to be aware of and comply, except as modified by the city, with the regulations contained in the FCDMC publication Drainage Design Manual for Maricopa County, Volumes I, II and III, which provide guidelines for the design and construction of public and private stormwater systems.
(2) Floodplain use permit.
(a) FCDMC has stormwater facilities within Apache Junction and will issue a floodplain use permit when required and as appropriate. See
http://www.fcd.maricopa.gov/ (see Permits link) or call 602-506-1501.
(b) The following may be required when all or part of a proposed project lies near or within a 100-year flood zone as designated by the FEMA:
1. Contact FCDMC prior to plan review submittals to the city, to determine whether a floodplain use permit is required.
2. If required, submit development plans to the FCDMC for plan review and approval. Obtain floodplain use permit prior to city plan review approval. Note that changes to grades, structures, lower floor level and the like will require re-approval by the FCDMC.
3. The grading plans, drainage report map and final plat shall show the location of the floodplain according to the FIRM.
4. The grading plans shall show pad and finished floor elevations complying with the floodplain use permit.
5. Construction and inspections for work above the lowest floor level is not permitted prior to obtaining floor level certification from the FCDMC.
(B) Pinal County Air Quality Control District (“PCAQCD “); earth moving and dust control.
(2) As described in Apache Junction City Code, Vol. I, the developer shall provide Apache Junction’s development services department with copies of his, her or its PCAQD permit.
(C) Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (“ADEQ “).
(1) Water quality. ADEQ regulates the quality of stormwater discharges, including those directed to drywells. The developer is responsible for designing and installing; and the landowner is responsible for operating and maintaining the storm drain system to meet applicable regulations.
(a) Prior to drilling, installing or abandoning a drywell, permission must be obtained from ADEQ. The city requires notification of the ADEQ registration numbers for storm drain drywells proposed to be installed as part of a land development project. For additional information regarding this aspect of ADEQ, please see the link:
(b) Prior to the issuance of any city permit, it is the responsibility of the registrant of record or drywell owner to obtain the required ADEQ drywell registration and to keep this registration on file as part of the project file and to provide copies as necessary in conformance with ADEQ regulations and/or requirements.
(3) Notice of Intent (NOI).
(a) As prescribed by the Arizona Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (“AZPDES”) general permit for discharge from construction activities to the waters of the U.S., any development project in Apache Junction which will disturb one contiguous acres or greater, shall complete a Notice of Intent (“NOI”) form. For additional information see the link:
http://www.adeq.state.az.us/environ/water/permits/ or call 602-771-4632.
(b) A copy of the completed NOI shall be provided to Apache Junction’s development services department prior to or in conjunction with the issuance of any construction and/or ROW permits.
(4) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (“SWPPP “).
(a) When a construction project disturbs more than 1 contiguous acre or greater of land in Apache Junction, a SWPPP will be prepared.
(b) A copy of the NOI and the SWPPP shall be maintained on the site and available for review. Any elements of the grading and drainage plan pertinent to or referenced on the SWPPP shall be considered a part of the SWPPP.
(c) The operator shall perform, at a minimum, a visual inspection of the construction site once every month and within 24 hours of rainfall greater than or equal to half of inch or more. The operator shall prepare a report documenting his/her findings on the conditions of the SWPPP controls and note any erosion problem areas. The operator’s report is to be submitted to the city’s engineering inspector for review. Facilities shall be maintained as necessary to ensure their continued functioning. In addition, all temporary siltation controls shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition until such time that clearing and/or construction is completed, permanent drainage facilities are operational and the potential for erosion has passed.
(d) The operator shall amend this plan as necessary during the course of construction to resolve any problem areas which become evident during the construction and/or during rainfalls. All changes to the SWPPP must conform to the Drainage Design Manual for Maricopa County, Arizona, Volume III, Erosion Control.
(e) The permittee shall file a Notice of Termination (“NOT”) after completion of construction and placement of final landscape materials. A copy of the NOT is to be submitted to the engineering division to final the SWPPP permit.
(f) The permittee shall save all records, including the NOI, SWPPP, NOT, and inspection reports, on file for a minimum of 3 years from the date of filing the NOT.
(g) The implementation of these plans and the construction, maintenance, replacement, and upgrading of these facilities is the responsibility of the permittee/contractor until all construction is approved and the NOT is submitted to the engineering division.
(h) The facilities shown on this plan must be constructed in conjunction with all clearing and grading activities in such a manner as to ensure that sediment-laden water does not enter the drainage system or violate applicable water standards. The facilities must be installed and in operation prior to any grading or land clearing. Wherever possible, maintain natural vegetation for silt control.
(i) A copy of the contractor’s NOI and 5 copies of the reviewed and signed SWPPP must be received by the city engineer prior to any grading and drainage permit being issued.
(j) All SWPPP documents shall follow the Drainage Design Manual for Maricopa County, Arizona, Volume III, Erosion Control.
(D) Army Corps of Engineers (“Corps “).
Section 404 permitting. The developer and associated design professionals are expected to be aware of and comply with the permitting regulations contained in Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. See
http://www.spl.usace.army.mil (see Regulatory link) or call the Phoenix project office of the Corps at 602-230-6900.
(2) 404 areas identified.
(a) Areas of proposed projects that are designated by the Corps as within the jurisdiction of Section 404 shall be clearly identified and delineated on the improvement plans and land subdivision maps or plats.
(b) The drainage report shall also identify and delineate Section 404 Areas on all exhibits, figures and the like as well as provide a narrative discussion regarding the 404 designation, permit holder identification and procedures to modify those designations.
(3) Authority to modify. The city does not have the authority to authorize any modifications, encroachments or deletions to 404 designated areas. It is the 404 permit holder’s responsibility to monitor and manage the 404 Areas in accordance with the permit granted by the Corps.