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  • (A) Number of stalls required. Vol. II, § 1-7-6, Table 7-3 sets forth the minimum number of required parking spaces for different land use types.
    (B) Uses not identified in Table 7-3. The Zoning Administrator shall determine the parking requirement for uses that do not closely correspond to the categories listed in Vol. II, § 1-7-6, Table 7-3. In such instances, the applicant shall provide the following information for staff review and determination:
    (1) Explanation of proposed uses;
    (2) Number of employees;
    (3) Building design capacity;
    (4) Gross floor area (square feet);
    (5) Proposed on-site parking spaces;
    (6) Proposed off-site parking spaces;
    (7) Hours of operation; and
    (8) Analysis of proposed parking demand.
    (C) Parking stall size. Parking stall and aisle dimensions shall comply with Vol. II, § 1-7-6, Table 7-1.
    (D) Multiple uses. Where there are multiple uses within a structure or property, the minimum standards shall apply to each use, except as provided in Vol. II, §§ 1-7-3(G) and 1-7-3(H) regarding shared parking facilities.
    (E) Parking location.
    (1) Business and multi-family zoned properties. Parking shall only be allowed in approved parking spaces and shall be located on-site, except as provided below in Vol. II, § 1-7-3(G). Parking spaces shall be located and designed to prohibit backward movement of a vehicle onto a public right-of-way, except for single-family and duplex dwellings. Bumper guards or wheel barriers shall be used in multi-family and non-residential parking areas to prevent a parked vehicle from projecting into a public right-of-way, adjoining property or sidewalk.
    (2) Single-family and duplex residential properties. Parking for passenger vehicles shall be limited to the driveway and to the side of the house. Passenger vehicles, trailers, recreational vehicles, boats, all-terrain vehicles and other types of vehicles and equipment shall not be parked or stored in the front yard, except for the driveway.
    (F) Large trucks and recreational vehicle parking. One unoccupied recreational vehicle or 1 large truck (e.g., semi or dump truck) less than 24,000 pounds empty weight, which is licensed and operable, may be stored or parked in a residential zoning district in the side or rear yard behind the front façade of the residence, or in a completely enclosed garage.
    (G) Off-site shared parking. Off-site/off-street shared parking may be allowed if all of the following conditions are met:
    (1) The off-site parking facilities are within 100 feet of the property;
    (2) The Zoning Administrator determines that the total parking demand of all the uses contributing to the parking at any 1 time is less than the total parking stalls required in accordance with the shared parking calculation described in Vol. II, § 1-7-3(H); and
    (3) A city approved perpetual parking easement/agreement for off-site/off-street parking shall be executed by the parties and recorded in the County Recorder's office.
    (H) On-site shared parking. Developments which contain a mix of uses on the same parcel may reduce the amount of required parking in accordance with the following methodology:
    (1) Step 1. Calculate the minimum parking requirements for each use in accordance with Vol. II, § 1-7-6, Table 7-3;
    (2) Step 2. Multiply the minimum parking amount for each use by the corresponding percentages for each of the 5 time periods set forth in Columns (B) through (F) of Vol. II, § 1-7-6, Table 7-2;
    (3) Step 3. Calculate the total for each time period; and
    (4) Step 4. Select the total with the highest value as the required minimum number of parking spaces.
    (I) Maintenance of parking areas. The maintenance of required parking and loading facilities are continuing obligations of the property owner or tenant. Parking surfaces shall be kept in a clean, safe and well maintained condition. More, specifically, the property owner shall restore the parking surface to its original approved condition if parking surface areas become deteriorated and/or emit dust particles into the air, as determined by the Development Services Engineer.
    (J) Use of parking stalls. Required parking spaces shall be available for parking of vehicles of residents, customers, patrons and employees, and shall not be used for inventory storage, extra signage, outside retail sales, servicing or repair unless otherwise authorized by the city.
    (K) Site plan. A scaled site plan illustrating existing and proposed off-street parking shall be included in an application for development site plan approval and/or building permit where parking is required. The site plan shall include the following:
    (1) Delineation and size of individual parking spaces and aisles.
    (2) Circulation area necessary to serve spaces.
    (3) Driveway openings to streets.
    (4) Curb and median cuts.
    (5) Grading, drainage and surfacing details.
    (6) Delineation of obstacles to parking and circulation within parking area.
    (7) Specifications as to signs and bumper guards.
    (8) Landscaping.
    (L) Access to public streets. Driveways and areas for loading, parking and maneuvering of vehicles for multiple-family residential, business and institutional land use shall comply with Apache Junction City Code, Vol. II, Chapter 10, Engineering Design Guidelines and Policies.
    (M) Stormwater management. A parking area shall be subject to the runoff, drainage and retention requirements of the Development Services Engineer.
    (N) Parking lot obstructions. No obstructions of any kind shall be permitted within any designated parking space except for approved landscaping, retention basins, lighting, curbing, walkways or shopping cart corrals.
    (O) Blocked stalls. No parking space shall be located or used in a manner as to block access to another parking space, except on a parking lot with a parking attendant having access to each vehicle's keys or as part of an approved planned development (PD) rezoning site plan.
    (P) Lighting. Parking area lighting shall not create unsafe glare to motorists and shall be designed and installed in accordance with Vol. II, Article 1-10.
    (Q) Signage. Directional signs and pavement markings shall be used to control vehicular movement in a parking area. Signs shall be limited to 2 square feet each, and an aggregate total not to exceed 20 square feet. No sign of any kind other than those indicating entrances, exits, name of establishment to which the parking area is accessory, or conditions of use shall be erected.
    (R) Surface grade. No driveway over 300 feet long shall exceed a 10% grade, and no driveway shall exceed a 17% grade.
    (S) Shared access. Common driveways between adjacent properties are encouraged and may be required as a condition of site plan approval. A perpetual cross access and maintenance agreement between the adjoining properties shall be required in a form approved by the City Attorney.
    (T) Parking lot surface. The following requirements shall apply to loading spaces, maneuvering areas, and driveways for new development or redevelopment and/or additions where 50% expansion of the existing building floor area occurs, shall be surfaced as follows:
    (1) B-1, B-3, B-4, B-4, RM-1, RM-2 and RM-3 Zoning Districts. Asphalt, concrete or masonry pavers installed at a depth approved by the Development Services Engineer shall be required for new development or redevelopment and/or additions where 50% expansion of the existing building floor area occurs.
    (2) B-2 (Old West District). A minimum depth of 3 inches of 1/2 minus compacted decomposed granite or other dust controlling material approved by the Development Services Engineer, and which complies with the American Disabilities Act, shall be allowed. The design and layout of the unpaved parking and circulation area shall be subject to the Zoning Administrator's determination that the unpaved parking area layout provides safe and manageable parking and circulation.
    (3) Air quality control. Existing and future parking surfaces shall comply with air quality control requirements (i.e., PM-10) as set forth in Ordinance No. 1316, and as amended in the future.
    (U) Landscaping. Parking lot landscaping shall be designed and installed in accordance with Vol. II, § 1-8-6(E).
    (V) Accessibility standards. Accessible (persons with disabilities) parking and pedestrian access shall be designed and installed in accordance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended.
    (W) Structured parking. The exterior elevations of any multi-level parking structure must be designed so as to screen or conceal parked cars on the first and second floor from exterior public view.
    (Ord. 1402, passed 5-6-2014)