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  • The preliminary and final plat shall conform to the city’s zoning ordinance requirements, specific zoning stipulations, and subdivision regulations. The following information shall be provided on the preliminary and final plat:
    X = Required
    – = Not Required
    S = Requirement Satisfied
    Required Submittal
    Pre- Plat
    City Review
    Final Plat
    City Review
    Submittal Requirements
    (1) The maximum allowable drawing size is 24" x 36".
    (2) Scale no smaller than 1 inch = 100 feet. The scale shall be noted on each sheet.
    (3) The minimum height of all text and lettering shall be 0.125 inch (1/8 inch), provided in full density black ink.
    Cover sheet information
    (4) The subdivision’s name.
    (5) The subdivisions location as defined by its section, township, range, and county shall be shown on the final plat. This information shall be included in the heading portion of the cover sheet. If the subdivision is located in part or total over a previously recorded plat, make appropriate record reference in the heading statement.
    (6) Vicinity map with city limit lines shown, if adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
    (7) Sheet Index is required when the preliminary/final plat contains more than 2 sheets.
    (8) Developer’s name, address and phone number.
    (9) The design professional’s name, address and phone number.
    (10) All elevations shown on the preliminary plat shall be referenced to an approved city benchmark per NAVD 88. The benchmark number, description and elevation shall be shown.
    (11) Site data to include: gross area, net area, open space percentage, number of lots, existing and proposed zoning, density percentage, lot area table in square feet and acres, curve and line data table, tract use and area table in square feet and acres showing all tracts that will be dedicated to the city.
    (12) Property legal description for the exterior boundaries of the subdivision.
    (13) Add the following notes:
    a) All tracts not dedicated to the City of Apache Junction shall be improved in accordance with the approved plans and deeded to the Homeowners’ Association upon recordation of the final plat. Tracts shall not be conveyed to any private or public entity without prior City Council approval.
    b) The maintenance of landscaping and drainage areas either within the public right-of-way and/or up to a perimeter wall or fence or private yard shall be the responsibility of the homeowners’ association or the abutting lot, tract or parcel owner.
    c) Construction within utility easements shall be limited to utilities, fences and driveways.
    d) No structures, earthwork or other construction shall be carried out in drainage paths or retention basins as shown on the approved improvement plans and, except as may be approved by the Development Services Project Engineer. Fencing shall be limited to wire-strand or break-away sections that cannot impede water flow or collect debris which would impede water flow. Vegetation shall not be planted nor allowed to grow within drainage paths, easements or retention basins which would impede the flow of water.
    e) Maintenance of the drainage areas within the tracts and easements shall be the responsibility of the ____________________ Homeowners’ Association. Should the Association not adequately maintain them, the governing entity having jurisdiction over the area in which the tract or the easement is located, at its discretion, may enter upon and maintain the drainage areas, and assess the Homeowners’ Association, its successors and/or benefiting properties the cost of maintenance.
    f) The overhead utility lines on or adjacent to the site shall be undergrounded as outlined in § 1-8-6(K), Relocation of Overhead Wires and Equipment, Zoning Ordinance, Vol. II, Apache Junction City Code. All existing and proposed onsite overhead utility lines shall be placed underground.
    g) The city or any governing entity having jurisdiction over the final plat shall have the right to enforce all notes shown and associated with the final plat on the Homeowners’ Association or all future owners, assigns and successors in interest and/or benefiting properties.
    h) Should the Homeowners’ Association not pay property taxes on any tract they own within the subdivision at any time in the future and lose the property through tax foreclosure or forfeiture or dissolve, the city or the governing entity having jurisdiction over the area in which the tract or the easement is located, shall assess, lien, and/or collect from any successor in interest and/or benefiting properties the cost of maintenance of all improvements, drainage facilities, landscaping and amenities.
    (14) The basis of bearings shall be shown with a reference to appropriate horizontal control as outlined in § 10-1-4(B)(2) Horizontal and Vertical Control, Engineering Standards, Vol. II, Apache Junction City Code.
    (15) A key map shall show all tracts, parcels and lots by number or letter.
    (16) The name, address and registration number of the registered land surveyor preparing the final plat shall be shown on the plat with the state of Arizona seal, signature, and date provided.
    (17) Street right-of-way dedication to the city and a note referencing drainage, utility, roadway easements stating: “Easements are dedicated for the purposes shown” shall be mentioned in the dedication statement.
    (18) Add the following certifications:
    a) This is to certify that this final plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of land surveyed and the subdivision of it; that I have prepared the description of the land shown on the final plat and I hereby certify to its correctness, and that all lots are staked or will be staked and all monuments are set or will be set within 1 year after recordation.
    Seal and signature of the Arizona registered land surveyor
    b) This final plat has been checked for conformance with the requirements of the Land Development Code and any other applicable ordinance and regulations and that assurances have been provided for improvements in the amount of $_____________________.
    Development Services Project Engineer Date
    c) Approved by the Council of the City of Apache Junction, Arizona this ______ day of ______________, 20__. And the City Council accepts the rights-of-way dedicated herein on behalf of the Public. The subdivider has provided a Certificate of Assured Water Supply as required by Arizona Revised Statues (ARS) § 45-576 or evidence that the area has been designated by the Arizona Department of Water Resources as having an assured water supply.
    BY: ______________________________
    Attest: ____________________________
    City Clerk
    (19) The following statement shall appear in the dedication statement:
    Tracts _______, ________ and _________, (include all applicable tracts) are not to be construed to be dedicated to the public or city, but are deeded to _______________ Homeowners’ Association for its use and enjoyment as more fully set forth in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and said Association shall be responsible for the maintenance thereof in perpetuity, and shall not be redeveloped for any other non-amenity or non-drainage purpose.
    (20) The dedication statement shall be signed by the land owner. If the owner is a partnership, corporation, or limited liability company, the Article of Incorporation or a certified copy of a resolution by the Board of Directors authorizing the individuals signing the final plat to act on its behalf is required.
    (21) All holders of deeds of trust shall sign a lienholder ratification statement as a beneficiary, if lands being subdivided are encumbered. The following lienholder ratification statement shall be shown:
    Lienholder Ratification
    Know All Men By These Presents:
    That The Undersigned as Beneficiary of That Certain Deed Of Trust Recorded In Fee No. ______________________, Records Of Pinal County, Arizona, Hereby Ratifies, Affirms And Approves This Final Plat, The Declaration Of Restrictions Recorded Concurrently Herewith And Each And Every Dedication Contained Herein.
    IN Witness Whereof, The Undersigned Have Signed Their Names This ______ Day Of ____________, 20__.
    [Beneficiary Name as Shown in the Title Report]
    Its _________________________
    (22) The following notary public acknowledgment statement is required for the dedication statement and the lienholder ratification statement:
    State of )
    ) SS
    County of )
    On this _____________day of ___________, 20__, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared ____________________, who acknowledged himself/herself to be the person whose name is subscribed to the instrument within, and who executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained.
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal.
    My Commission Expires:
    Plat layout sheet information
    (23) North arrows shall be shown on each sheet.
    (24) A “Legend” for all symbols utilized on the plat shall be shown on each sheet.
    (25) The existing topography shall be represented by a 2' maximum contours or better data, if available.
    (26) All existing buildings and significant structures shall be shown. Any modifications shall be noted.
    (27) All wells, washes, canals, irrigation laterals and ditches, lakes and other water features. Any modifications shall be noted, along with an indication of any building or structure which shall remain.
    (28) The subdivision boundary shall extend to the monument lines of adjacent streets, if the rights-of-way are not dedicated.
    (29) Existing fire hydrants within 500 feet and streetlights within 200 feet of the site shall be shown.
    (30) Proposed water, sewer, streetlight improvements, sidewalks, paths, entrance features/monument sign, and public and private community facilities such as parks, schools, fire stations, library, police station, community buildings, etc. shall be shown.
    (31) City corporate limit to be outlined when they are adjacent to or near the subdivision.
    (32) The names of all subdivisions adjacent to the subject property shall be shown, along with the recording information and zoning classification.
    (33) The property owners’ names of all adjacent parcels (non-subdivision) to the proposed subdivision shall be shown along with the parcel number and zoning classification.
    (34) Proposed phasing shall be shown.
    (35) Typical detail of lot dimension and setbacks.
    (36) Curvilinear back lot lines are discouraged. Every effort shall be made to avoid them.
    (37) All lots shall be numbered consecutively beginning with Lot No. 1, and tracts and parcels be lettered consecutively beginning with Tract or Parcel “A”. Exception parcels shall be labeled with the boundary traverse data and area to be noted.
    (38) Private streets shall be designated as tracts with 24-foot minimum width of pavement; 2-foot (2') curb and gutter, and 4-foot (4') sidewalk on both sides of the street and shade trees. Structural Pavement section for private streets shall conform to public street standards, as outlined in Appendix 10-D, Standard Details AJ-20.1 through AJ-20.2, Engineering Standards, Vol. II, Apache Junction City Code.
    (39) Rights-of-way to be dedicated to the city shall be shown. All rights-of-way which expand on existing dedicated rights-of-way shall be defined and dimensioned.
    Survey Requirements
    (40) Two (2) separate survey ties to 2 section corners or quarter-section corners are required. The type of monumentation shall be defined. Survey ties shall meet the criteria shown in § 10-1-4(B)(2) Horizontal and Vertical Control, Engineering Standards, Vol. II, Apache Junction City Code. Subdivision’s boundary and survey shall be tied into the City GDACS grid.
    (41) Survey data is required for the entire subdivision boundary traverse and streets centerlines. For tangents this consists of bearings and distances. For curves this consists of radii, delta angles and curve lengths. On non-tangent curves, show radial bearings.
    (42) Show names of existing and proposed public and private streets.
    (43) Boundary closure calculations are required with error of closure for the subdivision’s exterior boundaries, tracts, parcels, and lots.
    Street design requirements
    (44) Show plan’s layouts for public and private streets, and easements.
    (45) The sizes, depth, and types of all existing utility infrastructure within and adjacent to the subdivision shall be shown. Dimensional ties to street centerlines are required for all utility lines.
    (46) 20' x 20' triangular corner cutoffs shall be dedicated to the city at all streets lines and alleys intersections to accommodate a sidewalk ramp and provide a space for traffic signal equipment such as poles and/or cabinets, if needed. It also creates an area for a site visibility triangle by preventing land owners from building walls blocking view of traffic.
    (47) 33' x 33' feet sight triangle measured at the intersection of lot lines is to be provided where streets, alleys, or driveways intersect. Also, the sight distances shall be calculated to assure that no structure or planting higher than 36 inches is allowed in the area.
    (48) Show typical cross sections for proposed improvements of exterior and interior streets.
    (49) Proper turnarounds are required at all dead-end streets and alleys. Cul-de-sac and turnaround geometrics for public and private streets shall meet the city and the fire district requirements. Connections to abutting subdivisions to create connectivity and walkability shall be provided.
    (50) Public streets rights-of-way widths and cross-sections shall comply with city standards unless exceptions are required or approved by the City Engineer or the City Council.
    (51) Provide Traffic Impact Analysis as outlined in ADOT publication 35-209, and a traffic circulation study.
    (52) The street light district shall be established prior to final plat recordation.
    Easements and Rights-Of-Way Requirements
    (53) Show existing and proposed rights-of-way and easements widths. Proposed extinguishment and abandonment of rights-of-way and easements shall be noted.
    (54) 1' vehicular non-access easement is required for streets and lots abutting retention basins and lots abutting perimeter streets rights-of-way.
    (55) Easements to be extinguished shall include the following:
    a) A letter from the utility companies agreeing to the abandonment.
    b) A legal description and Pinal County recording information and limits of the abandonment.
    c) The following statement located above the Mayor’s approval block is required on the final plat:
    “By acceptance of this final plat, the City of Apache Junction agrees to the extinguishment of the easements described and shown hereon”.
    (56) Existing right-of-way to be abandoned/extinguished shall include the following:
    a) The City Engineer shall approve the abandonment/ extinguishment.
    b) The City Attorney shall approve as to form of the abandonment/extinguishment resolution.
    c) A filing fee and appraisal fee shall be paid.
    d) The abandonment shall be in accordance with the requirements and procedures of the Public Works Department.
    Drainage Design and Requirements
    (57) Flow drainage arrows shall be shown for all drainage areas, storm drains, and streets.
    (58) All portions of the development within the FEMA 100-year flood zones shall be identified. FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) on or adjacent to the subject subdivision shall be drawn and labeled, including any determined floodway boundaries. Provide flood zone information per the following table:
    Comm- unity Number
    Panel Number
    Date of FIRM
    Flood Zone
    Base Flood Elevation
    (59) Submit a preliminary drainage report in accordance with Article 10-4 Stormwater Management, Engineering Standards, Vol. II, Apache Junction City Code. Adequate details are required to demonstrate the layout feasibility.
    (60) The storm drainage system shall comply with the standards presented in Article 10-4 Stormwater Management, Engineering Standards, Vol. II, Apache Junction City Code. All retention areas and drainage channels along with their cross sections shall be shown on the preliminary plat.
    Required Submittal
    Pre- Plat
    City Review
    Final Plat
    City Review
    Drainage Design and Requirements
    (61) Each sheet of the preliminary and final plat shall be sealed and signed by the design registered professional in the State of Arizona.
    (62) Submit a current Title Report, no older than 6 months at preliminary plat submittal. An updated report no older than 30 days is required to be submitted prior to final plat recordation. Include Schedules “A” and “B” together with an ALTA survey.
    (63) A detailed infrastructure analysis is required and shall include traffic, water and wastewater.
    (64) Name changes to the development will only be allowed:
    a) After verifying any name conflicts through the Arizona Department of Real Estate and providing the city with a copy; and
    b) Prior to the preliminary plat approval by the City Council.
    (65) Areas within the subdivision that may represent soil or topographical hazardous conditions or requiring special precautions shall be identified to insure that the proposed uses of these areas are compatible with such conditions, such as natural features, rock outcrop, fissure, riparian corridors, etc.
    (66) The final plat shall provide private cross access easements for pedestrian, vehicular, drainage access.
    (67) Phasing of the final plat and the improvement plans shall be allowed only for large tracts greater than 40 acres, and if approved by the Development Services Project Engineer.
    (68) Engineer’s Cost Estimate shall be provided for the construction of all public improvements to determine the amount of construction assurance required.
    (69) The construction assurance shall be submitted and approved by the Public Works Department, prior to the approval of the improvement plans and the recordation of the final plat.
    (70) Submit copies of the approvals to construct water and sewer issued by Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (“ADEQ”), as required per Item 13(g), § 10-2-17 Civil Engineering Plan Review Checklist, Engineering Standards, Vol. II, Apache Junction City Code.
    (71) Submit a copy of the Assured Water Certificate for the 100 year water supply, issued by Arizona Department of Water Resources (“ADWR”) for sites located within the Arizona Water Company, or a Designation of Assured Water Supply letter for sites located within the Water Utilities Community Facilities District (“WUCFD”).
    (72) All official seals and stamps affixed to the final plats shall be in black ink or as required by the Pinal County Recorder’s Office.
    (73) A 4 mil Mylar of the final plat shall be submitted to the Development Services Project Engineer for final approval and recordation, along with an electronic copy in DWG and PDF formats.
    (Ord. 1452, passed - -2017)